Mrp8 and Mrp14 are endogenous activators of Toll-like receptor 4 ...
2007年9月2日 · We now demonstrate that mice lacking Mrp8-Mrp14 complexes are protected from endotoxin-induced lethal shock and Escherichia coli –induced abdominal sepsis. Both proteins are released during...
Multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs): Structure, function and …
2021年1月1日 · MRP8 has two TMDs, showing high homology with MRP5, another member of the multidrug resistant-associated protein family. MRP8 is highly expressed in breast cancer, moderately expressed in normal breast, and minimally expressed in brain, placenta, and liver (Bera et al., 2001).
Mrp8 and Mrp14 are endogenous activators of Toll-like receptor 4 ...
We now demonstrate that mice lacking Mrp8-Mrp14 complexes are protected from endotoxin-induced lethal shock and Escherichia coli-induced abdominal sepsis. Both proteins are released during activation of phagocytes, and Mrp8-Mrp14 complexes amplify the endotoxin-triggered inflammatory responses of phagocytes.
Ablation of Myeloid Cell MRP8 Ameliorates Nephrotoxic Serum
2020年2月20日 · In this study, Myeloid lineage cell-specific MRP8 knockout mice were generated, and nephrotoxic serum-induced glomerulonephritis was developed. Mice with conditional ablation of MRP8 gene in...
髓系相关蛋白(MRP)8和MRP14是S100家族的钙结合蛋白,是由 …
髓相关细胞(MRP)8和MRP14是在骨髓单核细胞中表达的S100家族的两个成员,它们具有某些细胞外功能,例如抗微生物,抑制细胞生长和趋化活性。 由于S100蛋白缺乏通过经典内质网/高尔基体途径分泌的结构要求,因此分泌过程尚不清楚。 现在,我们证明蛋白激酶C激活后,人单核细胞特异性,能量依赖性地释放MRP8和MRP14。 通过内质网和高尔基体的水泡运输抑制剂不会阻止这种分泌过程,并且对肿瘤坏死因子- alpha和白细胞介素-1beta表示MRP8和MRP14既不遵循经 …
摘要: 目的 研究髓样相关蛋白8(MRP8)在痛风中的作用及其机制。方法 单钠尿酸盐(MSU)结晶诱导巨噬细胞产生痛风模型,检测诱导后巨噬细胞中MRP8的水平。MRP8 siRNA转染巨噬细胞,Western blotting检测沉默效果及MRP8沉默对核转录因子κB(NF-κB)信号通路中 …
人中性粒细胞中髓样相关蛋白 8 (MRP8) 和 MRP14 的亚细胞分布 …
骨髓相关蛋白 8 (MRP8) 和 MRP14 是 S100 家族钙结合蛋白,它们形成称为 MRP8/14 的异二聚体,存在于中性粒细胞和单核细胞的细胞质中。 MRP8/14 与单核细胞和中性粒细胞粘附和迁移部位的内皮细胞相关,并通过增加促炎趋化因子和粘附分子的内皮转录来诱导血栓形成和炎症反应。 MPR8/14 是中性粒细胞胞质溶胶中最丰富的蛋白质,占所有胞溶质蛋白质的 30% 至 60%。 然而,MPR8/MRP14 在中性粒细胞颗粒和质膜中的分布尚不清楚,并进行了研究以更好地了解 …
The subcellular distribution of myeloid-related protein 8 (MRP8…
2005年9月28日 · Myeloid-related protein 8 (MRP8) and MRP14 are S100 family calcium binding proteins that form a heterodimer known as calprotectin or MRP8/14 that is present in the cytosol of neutrophils and monocytes.
The Toll-like receptor 4 ligands Mrp8 and Mrp14 are crucial in the ...
2010年5月9日 · Myeloid-related protein-8 (Mrp8) and Mrp14 are damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) highly upregulated in various autoimmune disorders. We show in a mouse...
Myeloid-related Protein (MRP) 8 and MRP14, Calcium
1997年4月4日 · Release of MRP8 and MRP14 is associated with down-regulation of their de novo synthesis, suggesting that extracellular signaling via MRP8/MRP14 is restricted to distinct differentiation stages of monocytes. Our data provide evidence that the S100 proteins MRP8 and MRP14 are secreted after activation of protein kinase C via a novel pathway ...