GitHub - nanomsg/nng: nanomsg-next-generation -- light-weight ...
NNG, like its predecessors nanomsg (and to some extent ZeroMQ), is a lightweight, broker-less library, offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery.
NNG - nanomsg-NG
NNG, like its predecessors nanomsg (and to some extent ZeroMQ), is a lightweight, broker-less library, offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery.
WinBuilds/cpp-nanomsg-ng: nanomsg-next-generation - GitHub
NNG, like its predecessors nanomsg (and to some extent ZeroMQ), is a lightweight, broker-less library, offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems, such as publish/subscribe, RPC-style request/reply, or service discovery.
Releases · nanomsg/nng - GitHub
Introduction of support for socket activation -- see NNG_OPT_LISTEN_FD available for TCP, TLS, and on POSIX/Linux, IPC transports and streams layers. Horizontal scalability of pollers - …
About Nanomsg
nanomsg is a socket library that provides several common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast, scalable, and easy to use. Implemented in C, it works on a wide range of operating systems with no further dependencies. This project has largely been superceded by the nng project.
nng_msg(5) - Nanomsg
An nng_msg represents a single message sent between Scalability Protocols peers. Messages internally have a body, containing the application supplied payload, and a header, containing protocol specific routing and similar related information.
【5G核心网】 NGAP 消息 - CSDN博客
2020年7月27日 · ng-c用于gnb和amf之间的信令传输,ng-u用于gnb和upf之间的应用数据传输。 在gNB分离架构中,这些NG接口用于连接CU和 5G 核心网 。 NG-C将CU-CP连接到一个或多个AMF,而NG-U将CU-UP连接到一个或多个UPF。
NNG Reference Manual - Nanomsg
See the documentation for v1.10.0 for the most up-to-date information. This section documents utilities and programs that are included with the distribution. This section documents core libary functions supporting Scalability Protocols.
全局提示 (Message) | NG-ZORRO
可通过订阅 onClose 事件在 message 关闭时做出某些操作。 以上用例将依次打开三个 message。 包括成功、失败、警告。 进行全局 loading,异步自行移除。 您可以为消息内容创建自定义模板。 通过 nzData 选项,您可以传递一些可选的数据给此自定义模板。 组件提供了一些服务方法,使用方式和参数如下: 还提供了全局销毁方法: 可以通过 NzConfigService 进行全局配置,详情请见文档中 全局配置项 章节。 当你调用 NzMessageService.success 或其他方法时会返回该对象 …
Documentation - Nanomsg
The NNG Reference Manual, documenting the new NNG API, is available from Leanpub. Modern re-implementation. (NNG binding for JNA.) NNG binding. Docs here. Finally, if you decide to implement your own language binding check this document.
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