Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) - Microchip Technology
Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) allows the microcontroller (MCU) to interface with digital inputs or outputs at a different operating voltage than the MCU itself. In other words, it’s a level shifter built into the I/O port. MVIO is designed to operate independent of the core power supply.
The Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) feature allows a subset of the I/O pins to be powered by a different I/O voltage domain VDDIO2. The rest of the I/O pins runs on VDD. Both VDD and VDDIO2 have the same voltage range. Consult the Electrical Characteristics section of the data sheet for the exact voltage range.
8位单片机上的多电压I/O(MVIO)-8位MCU-Microchip 工程师社区
2023年3月21日 · 本视频将介绍目前在avr® db系列中全新的多电压i/o外设(简称mvio)。 观看本视频后,您将了解什么是MVIO、它的使用场景及其优势。 相关视频
4.6.1 MVIO - onlinedocs.microchip.com
The Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) feature allows a subset of the I/O pins to be powered by a different I/O voltage domain than the rest of the I/O pins. This eliminates the need of having external level shifters for communication or control of external components running on a different voltage level.
MVIO - 百度百科
韩国时尚男装品牌MVIO隶属韩国三星集团,于1995年创立。 MVIO是Music&Visual的合成单词,从那些表达着当代年轻人的热情,个性化特点的音乐及影片中获取灵感,并以此与当代流行服饰相结合,倡导流行新概念。 MVIO2015年启用以充满个性的演技和与众不同的时尚视角,正引领新一代韩流人气的明星李钟硕 [1],将简洁随和的男性生活方式用趣味的细节点缀的方式加以诠释,打破传统的局限,塑造无论白天黑夜,工作闲暇时间都适宜的MVIO时尚造型。 MVIO 为Music …
2 Powering Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) - Microchip Technology
Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) is a feature on some devices that allows an I/O port to operate at a different voltage level than the rest of the microcontroller. As an example, this allows a 3.3V microcontroller to interface with 1.8V logic, or for a 3.3V microcontroller to …
Getting Started with Multi Voltage I/O (MVIO) - GitHub
A new feature introduced in the AVR® DB Family is the Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) peripheral. In this example, VDDIO2 supplies a different voltage level PORTC, than on the rest of the PORTs, which are supplied by VDD.
Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) - Microchip论坛 - PIC单片机论坛
2021年1月29日 · 但是如果使用AVRDB 就不需要了, 因为AVRDB 上有一个新外设Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO), 可以独立于VDD供电,可参考下图. 使用MVIO可以简化设计,降低成本. 当然MVIO也可以不使用, 通过设置以下fuse来选择单电源供电还是双电源供电.
1 Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) Overview - Microchip Technology
The Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) module provides a group of I/O pins powered from an alternative voltage domain separate from V DD. Similar to how standard I/O pins run and operate based on the voltage supplied using the V DD supply pin(s) of the device, the MVIO pins run and operate based on their voltage supplied using the V DDIOx supply pin(s ...
Inclusive Neighborhoods Housing Corporation | Mont Co.
Miami Valley In-Ovations, Inc. (MVIO) is a nonprofit housing corporation which develops safe, affordable and accessible housing for persons with developmental disabilities.