Prop Hunt-style Game 'Mannequin' Goes Free-to-Play on Quest …
2025年2月27日 · Mannequin (2024), the VR game that brings a unique twist to prop hunt, is going free-to-play on Quest starting today—which could point to more developers opting to go the freemium route.
Mannequin Goes Free-To-Play On Quest As PC VR Version Gets …
2025年2月27日 · Mannequin, Fast Travel's Prop Hunt-inspired VR multiplayer game, is now free-to-play on Quest. Initially a paid-for release, Mannequin by Fast Travel Games is a 2v3 multiplayer game...
Mannequin is now free-to-play on Meta Quest! Classic prop
2025年2月27日 · Mannequin is now free-to-play on Meta Quest! Classic prop hunt gameplay with a VR twist. Pose as humans and fool your friends or hunt for aliens with elite tech. Jump in with friends for free! Start playing now on Quest 2, 3, 3S, and Pro: https://ftg.gg/mannequin-free
Strike A Pose: Mannequin Adapts Prop Hunt For Multiplayer VR
2023年9月13日 · Taking mechanics from Prop Hunt and skillfully adapting them for VR, Mannequin forces players to stroke a pose and hide among frozen NPCs in a multiplayer hunt between humans and aliens.
Mannequin on SideQuest Oculus Quest Games & Apps including AppLab Games ...
2024年3月20日 · Mannequin is an up to 2v3 Hide-And-Seek VR FPS multiplayer game. Two elite Agents hunt for Mannequins - shape-shifting aliens hiding in plain sight and blending in by posing as human statues. They ambush unsuspecting Agents, freezing them in place with a single touch. Agents use cutting edge tech to scan for Mannequins, then shooting to kill.
VR Prop Hunt has been Perfected - Mannequin - YouTube
2024年9月14日 · Mannequin is the most fun I've had playing prop hunt in VR in a long time. And since Mannequin sponsored this here is the Quest link: https://www.meta.com/e...
Mannequin Enters Full Release Today On Quest & Steam
2024年9月12日 · Hide-and-seek VR multiplayer game Mannequin receives Quest 3 enhancements, and the full release is now available. Previously released in early access on Quest and Steam, Mannequin is an...
Prop Hunt VR-style Game 'Mannequin' Quest Release Date …
2024年4月22日 · Fast Travel Games announced it’s bringing Mannequin, the upcoming asymmetrical stealth social VR game, into early access on Quest via App Lab starting next month.
Prop Hunt Done Right in VR ! Play MANNEQUIN now ! Out now …
Mannequin is now in Early Access on Meta App Lab for Quest 2, 3 and Pro.Mannequin is an up to 2v3 social stealth VR multiplayer game.Two elite Agents hunt fo...
Prop Hunt-Inspired Mannequin Gets Open Alpha Test On Quest
Reminiscent of Prop Hunt in Garry's Mod, these aliens can pose as frozen human statues and Mannequin, an asymmetrical VR multiplayer game, enters open alpha today on Quest. Revealed last year, Mannequin by Fast Travel Games supports up to five players in 2v3 matches, seeing two Agents hunt down three shape-shifting aliens known as Mannequins.