MI19 - Wikipedia
MI19 was a section of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. During the Second World War it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war. It was originally created in December 1940 as MI9a, a sub-section of MI9.
英國軍事情報局各部門資料 - 軍事圖書館 | - SSKYN
2010年3月4日 · 軍情處,即MI(Military Intelligence),全稱英國軍事情報局(Directorate of Military Intelligence),在1963年前隸屬英國戰爭部(War Office),後隸屬英國國防部(Ministry of Defence)的國防情報組(Defence Intelligence Staff)。 各個軍情處均有不同的用途,成立時間亦不一樣,二次大戰時期發展成十九個屬處,均有自己的代號。 其後,因職責偶有重疊,各個軍情處最後併合到軍情五處(MI5)、軍情六處(MI6)和英國國家通信情報局(GCHQ)了。 …
都知道英国情报机构有MI6和MI5,那你知道本来是有19个军情处 …
带有“MI”开头的19个军情处成立的时间和职能大致分别如下: MI1:军情一处,成立于第一次世界大战期间,负责解码及行政,现已取消。 MI2:军情二处,成立于第二次世界大战期间,主管二战中东及远东、斯堪的纳维亚、美国及苏联、中南美洲地区的情报,现已取消。 MI3:军情三处,主要管理东欧的军事情报,现已解散。 MI4:军情四处,负责二战时期的地图情报工作,1940年4月被合并。 MI5:军情五处,成立于1909年10月,负责英国的对内军事情报,与美国的联邦调 …
MI19 - Wikiwand
MI19 was a section of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. During the Second World War it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war. It was originally created in December 1940 as MI9a, a sub-section of MI9.
Rail - Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
This program provides DoD shippers or carriers with recommendations when disputes arise regarding domestic surface freight of DoD property. Our goal is to provide both parties with the information...
About: MI19 - DBpedia Association
MI19 was a section of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. During the Second World War it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war. It was originally created in December 1940 as MI9a, a sub-section of MI9.
MI19 – War and Security
2013年6月3日 · Channel 4, the British TV channel, recently broadcast a drama-documentary titled Spying on Hitler’s Army: The Secret Recordings. It showed how the UK obtained intelligence from German PoWs by secretly recording their conversations. The initial interrogations of prisoners decided which ones could be useful sources of intelligence.
MI19 - 华文百科
mi19是战争办公室一部分的英国军事情报局的一部分。在第二次世界大战期间,它负责从战争囚犯那里获取信息。 它最初于1940年12月为mi9a( mi9的一个小节)创建。一年后的1941年12月,它成为了一个独立组织,尽管仍然与其父母密切相关。
被点名的英国间谍机构是什么来头?英国除了军情六处还有哪几 …
2024年1月25日 · 军情十九处(mi19):专注于处理敌军战俘的事务,包括审讯和情报收集。 由于历史的变迁和保密的需要,某些军情处的具体功能和操作细节依然不为公众所知。
MI19 facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia
2023年10月16日 · MI19 was a section of the British Directorate of Military Intelligence, part of the War Office. During the Second World War it was responsible for obtaining information from enemy prisoners of war. It was originally created in December 1940 as MI9a, a sub-section of MI9.