A tutorial for an absurdly compact, completely instant XOR gate I …
2021年1月16日 · An XOR gate is a circuit that turns on when only one input is on. I believe their primary use is in doing calculations. They are the main component involved in addition and subtraction. However, as Alan Turing once proved, there is no calculation you cannot do with a combination of XOR gates that is possible any other way.
Relatively Compact Instant XOR Gate Tutorial - Reddit
2023年1月14日 · All that said, I do have an AND and XOR gate that work for all input transitions in the same gametick (unless I've stupidly forgotten to test one again). I'll post those soon, although their design is not so novel (still compact though). Thanks for saving me the time and embarrassment of putting this undertested gate in an adder or something. PS.
Most compact XOR gate? : r/Minecraft - Reddit
2012年4月25日 · I stumbled on this design for an XOR gate. It is slightly more compact that the 3x3x2 sized XOR gate that I've been using. The inputs require a repeater, which can be placed at two angles, so the shape of the footprint is variable. In these pictures I've included the two different positions. It is the most compact I've found, hope it helps.
Smallest XOR gate (x-post r/redstone) : r/Minecraft - Reddit
2016年12月14日 · Smallest XOR gate (x-post r/redstone) When I was building a redstone project, I needed a really small XOR gate. The classic one that everyone uses is 3 * 5, the comparator one is 3 * 4 (4 * 4 if your inputs aren't the same strength, and 4 * 6 if you want to make the output longer with a repeater.
3-Input XOR gate? : r/redstone - Reddit
2016年2月17日 · So basically I need an XOR gate with 3 inputs. an XOR gate is basically a redstone circuit that will only ouput a signal when only 1 input is on. If there are more than 1 inputs on, the output will be 0. I've searched everywhere, and I …
Logic Gates in Minecraft : r/redstone - Reddit
2020年5月16日 · An XOR gate (if I have my terminology right) turns the output OFF if both signals are different. In practice this means you can use both inputs individually to switch the output ON and OFF. In practice this means you can use both inputs individually to …
Compact and flat logic gates. : r/Minecraft - Reddit
2021年4月17日 · For a text-based explanation: a logic gate is a simple circuit that outputs a signal, on or off, based on the signal coming in from usually two inputs. For example, an OR gate outputs "on" if at least one of the inputs is "on". A XOR gate outputs "on" if the inputs are different to each other, so one "on" and one "off".
XOR gate only with two comparators. : r/Minecraft - Reddit
2013年1月5日 · 141 votes, 18 comments. 7.4M subscribers in the Minecraft community. ... one of the inputs on an XOR gate ...
I bring to you, the most compact XOR gate I believe possible.
2022年7月19日 · A bit late to the party but this isn’t an XOR since you are relying on the internal state (the block position) to determine the output, and XOr being a logic gate should be stateless unlike your two input t-flip-flop
XOR gate I designed myself : r/redstone - Reddit
2022年11月3日 · The XOR or exclusive OR logic gate functions much alike the OR logic gate, that being that it turns on if A OR B are on. How it differentiates is that it doesn't turn on if both inputs are on. So in a way its OR - AND. This also means that AND + XOR = OR, but that becomes relevant later on in computational Redstone.