E.coli中的错配修复(MutSLH-MMR) - 知乎专栏
MutS、MutL、MutH或MutU的缺失或失效可使E.coli的突变率提高500-1000倍。 现有实验结果表明:在DNA复制过程中,新生链上的 GATC序列 (约每256bp出现一次)在被合成后的短时间内不会被甲基化,而此时模板链上的GATC序列已被甲基化。
DNA mismatch repair - Wikipedia
DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is a system for recognizing and repairing erroneous insertion, deletion, and mis-incorporation of bases that can arise during DNA replication and recombination, as well as repairing some forms of DNA damage. [1][2] Mismatch repair is strand-specific.
MutS functions as a clamp loader by positioning MutL on the
2022年10月3日 · Highly conserved MutS and MutL homologs operate as protein dimers in mismatch repair (MMR). MutS recognizes mismatched nucleotides forming ATP-bound sliding clamps, which subsequently load MutL...
DNA 复制出错后是怎么发现并修复的?即 DNA 损伤的修复机制?
对这些Mut进行功能分析,发现了MutS,MutL和MutH参与错配误别。 如果有错误出现,如上图所示,一条链是新合成的,其中的GATC中的A没有被甲基化,这个时候MutS和MutL会以另外一个甲基化的位点作为正确的母本进行扫描。
Mispair-bound human MutS–MutL complex triggers DNA incisions …
2021年1月28日 · Using functional MMR assays and systems preventing proteins from sliding, we show that sliding of human MutSα is required not for MMR initiation, but for final mismatch removal. MutSα recruits...
Chapter 3 - The Functions of MutL in Mismatch Repair
2012年1月1日 · MutL is a key component of this system that mediates protein–protein interactions during mismatch recognition, strand discrimination, and strand removal. Hence, it had long been thought that the primary function of MutL was coordinating sequential mismatch repair steps.
Mechanisms and functions of DNA mismatch repair | Cell Research …
2007年12月24日 · MutL interacts physically with MutS, enhances mismatch recognition, and recruits and activates MutH. Defects in MutL completely inhibit MMR in E. coli.
The functions of MutL in mismatch repair: the power of ... - PubMed
MutL is a key component of this system that mediates protein-protein interactions during mismatch recognition, strand discrimination, and strand removal. Hence, it had long been thought that the primary function of MutL was coordinating sequential mismatch repair steps.
PNAS背靠背: 新的DNA错配修复结合机制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
近日,最新研究对DNA 错配修复 (MMR)途径的潜在机制进行了仔细的研究,该机制有助于将基因组保真度维持1000倍以上。 通常,MMR与DNA 复制机制 协同工作,利用两种校对蛋白作为紧急停止按钮共同工作,以防止复制错误。 现在,北卡罗莱纳州立大学和教堂山 北卡罗莱纳大学 的最新研究表明,MutL和MutS这些蛋白质通过创建一个固定的结构来防止DNA复制错误,该结构将更多的蛋白质募集到该位点以修复错误。 尽管错配很罕见,但 人类基因组 中每个细胞包含大 …
Expanded roles for the MutL family of DNA mismatch repair …
The MutL family of DNA mismatch repair proteins plays a critical role in excising and repairing misincorporation errors during DNA replication. In many eukaryotes, members of this family have evolved to modulate and resolve recombination ...