NASM - The Netwide Assembler - Index
2024年12月5日 · Discussion regarding the NASM website and forum. 136 Posts 46 Topics Last post by Deskman243 in Re: nasm.us certificate ... on June 30, 2023, 09:22:17 PM Summer of Code Ideas. Ideas for Google Summer of Code. 78 Posts 23 Topics Last post by Deskman243 in Re: Real to Protected Mo... on June 18, 2023, 05:42:45 PM Other Discussion
Division - Netwide Assembler
2011年3月25日 · mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, al "div", doing division of a 16-bit operand by an 8-bit operand (or 32 by 16, or 64 by 32) is an exception to the general rule that operands should be the same size. "movzx ecx, al" would be legal, but doesn't do what we want. ecx wants to be the address of the buffer to write.
How To do a loop in NASM? - Netwide Assembler
2021年8月12日 · and how do I compile this on Nasm to try it out? would these 2 lines work? (nasm -f elf32 example1.asm -o example1.o ld -m elf_i386 example1.o -o example1) what frustrates me about Assembly language is that it's syntax differs according to …
Win64 Basic Hello World NASM MINGW64 GoLink (Example Code)
2013年10月24日 · Re: Win64 Basic Hello World NASM MINGW64 GoLink (Example Code) « Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 02:51:10 AM » Quote from: encryptor256 on October 23, 2013, 06:11:30 AM
Error -'nasm' is not recognized as an internal or external command ...
2017年7月5日 · It appears that Nasm is not on your "path". The "path", if you don't know, is a list of directories (folders) that the OS searches for executable files. I would expect that if you followed your "guide", the process of installing MinGW would …
Using NASM - Netwide Assembler
2024年12月5日 · Using NASM . Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies) Locked Topic
Including C headers in NASM - Netwide Assembler
2011年7月5日 · Cyril, I'm not sure if adding that capability to Nasm would be worth your effort, especially in light of what most Windows Nasm users would want it to do - pull in the entire Windows headers fileset - needed due to the many dependencies among the various files. However, don't let me stop you if you feel it worthwhile!
What is the purpose of .rodata.cst16 costants in decompiled NASM?
2014年6月25日 · I have disassembled various C object files compiled with gcc x64 in NASM, and in the section .rodata.cst16 there are always declared some global variables that are all the same
How to get the size of a variable - Netwide Assembler
2011年2月3日 · I'm looking for some directive in NASM that will yield the size of a variable. For instance, presume that I have defined: BytesWritten dd 0 and in the code section I want to push the size of "BytesWritten". Something along the lines of: push sizeof BytesWritten ; <---- I cannot find how to do this using NASM push somethingelse call Afunction
Linking against kernel32.dll with win32 format - Netwide Assembler
2012年8月13日 · Hello, I am new to NASM, and I just started programming with it a bit. So far, I did some samples, using the obj format and the alink to link against kernel32.dll. In the codes I use the import and extern keywords.