事業所検索 | 日本精工 (NSK) - 日本精工株式会社(NSK ...
NSK Locations | NSK Global
CAD Data; Linear Motion Product Selection Tools (Ball Screws, NSK Linear Guides, Monocarriers) Megatorque Motors (Direct Drive Motors) Click!Speedy™ Design Tool
Locations | NSK Americas
NSK Locations - NSK Americas has sales offices, Technology Centers, Distribution Centers, and Manufacturing Facilities throughout the Americas. Additionally, you can find information on NSK's global network as well.
日本精工株式会社(NSK) |軸受、自動車部品、精機製品などの製 …
Automotive | NSK Global
NSK developed a high-efficiency rear wheel steering actuator with compact motor and low power consumption. The wheel angle is efficiently controlled by an actuator consisting of a ball screw and a newly developed locking clutch.
Notice Regarding Structural Reorganization of NSK Group ... - NSK …
Tokyo, Japan, February 24, 2023 – NSK Ltd. (hereinafter, “NSK”; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Akitoshi Ichii) hereby announces that it has resolved today to conduct a structural reorganization (hereinafter, the “Reorganization”) of the NSK steering business (hereinafter, the “Steering Business”).
完全子会社との会社分割(簡易吸収分割)によるグループ内組織再 …
2023年2月24日 · 日本精工株式会社(以下「当社」)は、当社のステアリング&アクチュエータ本部の事業(以下「ステアリング事業」)について、グループ内組織再編(以下「本再編」)を実施すること、また、本再編の一環として、当社のステアリング事業を当社の完全子会社である株式会社ADTech(以下「ADTech」)に ...
Início | Rolamentos de esferas | Rolamentos de rolos - NSK Ltd.
Ready to Roll? NSK Europe is one of the world's leading bearing manufacturers in ball bearings, roller bearings & linear technology.
Sanitary Bearings | NSK Americas
Sanitary bearings use NSF H1* food-grade lubricant to provide an extra level of safety in applications such as food processing machinery. *NSF International: U.S. third party accreditation organization that is internationally recognized in the field of public safety and health.
Cuscinetti e altri prodotti di qualità | NSK Europe
Migliora la tua esperienza lavorativa affidandoti ai prodotti NSK certificati e riconosciuti in tutto il mondo: guide lineari, cuscinetti e molto altro.