2004年5月25日 · Stonefly naiads occur in fast moving streams where they are most commonly found clinging to the undersides of rocks. Many stonefly naiads are predators, feeding on other aquatic arthropods. Naiads of other species eat plants and algae.
Order Plecoptera - Kansas State University
2023年11月2日 · The Plecoptera have long antennae and a pair of long appendages at the tip of the abdomen (the cerci). The growing stage (naiad) lives under stones in rapidly running streams. The adults are usually found resting on plants, trees, or stones near streams. Return to Insect Orders. Examples. Family Perlidae - Common Stoneflies
Order Plecoptera – ENT 425 – General Entomology
Immature stoneflies are aquatic nymphs (naiads). They usually live beneath stones in fast-moving, well-aerated water. Oxygen diffuses through the exoskeleton or into tracheal gills located on the thorax, behind the head, or around the anus.
Order Plecoptera - ScienceDirect
2024年1月1日 · Nymph head can be prognathous (Perlidae, Perlodidae, and Chloroperlidae), hypognathous (Nemouridae), or somewhat intermediate between the two (Taeniopterygidae, Capniidae, and Leuctridae). Starting from the posterior margin, from a dorsal view, the head shows a metopic suture that originates two postfrontal sutures, which extend up to the base ...
Plecoptera - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Most species of stoneflies are diurnal as adults and found near water. Immatures live in water, and the nymphs are called naiads. A few species found in the Southern Hemisphere apparently exist in damp terrestrial situations. Plecoptera naiads …
Family Perlidae - Common Stoneflies - BugGuide.Net
2011年11月8日 · "A close-up view of the tip of the abdomen is often the best way to determine genus (and perhaps species). A dorsal view of the terminalia is probably best for males, and a ventral view of the last few abdominal segments is best for females." --Lloyd Gonzales.
Stoneflies – Field Station
2015年3月10日 · Most stonefly naiads are classed as shredders or as detritivores (depending on whether they eat large pieces of vegetation or tiny ones), feeding on algae, diatoms, and plant material that falls into the water. Naiads of some groups of stoneflies (like the Perla species) are predators on aquatic invertebrates, including other stonefly naiads.
Stonefly Naiads (Plecoptera : Perlidae) Encrusted By Diatoms
The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.
Golden Stoneflies of the Grande Ronde River: Dive Bombers of the …
Golden stoneflies of the genera Hesperoperla and Calineuria are large, unmistakable insects from the family Perlidae. They are long lived, often staying within the naiad stage for two to three years (Schollmeyer 1997). In spring, naiads crawl out of the water and emerge into adults, which quickly mate (Schollmeyer 1997).
Order Plecoptera (Stoneflies) - ppt download - SlidePlayer
5 Figure 27.3 Representative adult and nymphal stoneflies: a, adult of Clioperla clio (Perlodidae); b, naiad of Hesperoperla pacifica (Perlidae). Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity, 3/e …