Home - NMMC
NMMC is one of the top four global leaders in gold production and the largest gold producer in Central Asia. The Company is creating a prosperous future for Uzbekistan and its people …
Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Combinat - Wikipedia
NMMC (English: Joint-stock company Navoi Mining & Metallurgy Company, Uzbek: Navoiy kon-metallurgiya kombinati aksiyadorlik jamiyati) is the largest Uzbek industrial enterprise, is …
Welcome to the official website of JSC NMMC
2024年7月10日 · "Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company" Joint-Stock Company (JSC NMMC) is one of the ten largest world companies producing gold. The company is an industrial cluster, …
Bosh sahifa - NKMK
NKMK oltin ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha to'rtta jahon yetakchilaridan biri va Markaziy Osiyodagi eng yirik oltin qazib oluvchi kompaniya hisoblanadi. Kompaniya oltin qazib olish, innovatsiyalar va …
Home [ngmk.org]
“Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company” Joint-Stock Company (JSC NMMC) is one of the ten largest world companies producing gold. The company is an industrial cluster, which has …
Company - NMMC
The company has 12 key deposits, 7 hydrometallurgical plants, and 2 heap leaches across the Navoi, Samarkand, and Jizzakh regions of Uzbekistan. Its Muruntau mine is the world’s largest …
Welcome to the official website of JSC NMMC - actual.ngmk.uz
2020年11月20日 · Joint Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company (JSC NMMC) is one of the TOP-4 gold producer globally. The company is an industrial cluster, which has …
Production - ngmk.org
Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat (NMMC) is one of the ten leading world companies producing gold and is the largest mining enterprise in Uzbekistan, which has mastered the full …
About NMMC - ngmk.org
“Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company” Joint-Stock Company (JSC NMMC) is one of the ten largest world companies producing gold. The company is an industrial cluster, which has …
Gold Production - NMMC
Gold production is concentrated in the central part of the Republic of Uzbekistan and covers three regions. The value chain for gold production is a vertically integrated process.