New International Economic Order - Wikipedia
The New International Economic Order (NIEO) is a set of proposals advocated by developing countries to end economic colonialism and dependency through a new interdependent economy. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] The main NIEO document recognized that the current international economic order "was established at a time when most of the developing countries did not ...
国际经济新秩序 - 百度百科
国际经济新秩序,是指发展中国家对国际经济关系的一种主张。目的是改革旧的国际经济体系,建立新的国际经济体系,促进和加快发展中国家的经济发展和社会进步。1974年第四次不结盟国家首脑会议提出改变不平等的国际经济关系。同年,在发展中国家的要求下,联合国大会第六届特别会 …
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International …
Adopted at the 2229th plenary meeting, 1 May 1974. In: Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during its 6th special session, 9 April-2 May. 1974.
New International Economic Order (NIEO) - Oxford Public …
1 The establishment of a New International Economic Order (‘NIEO’) was officially endorsed by consensus of the UN General Assembly at its Sixth Special Session on 1 May 1974.
New International Economic Order: Origin & Objectives
In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin of New International Economic Order (NIEO) 2. Objectives of New International Economic Order (NIEO) 3. North-South Dialogue and NIEO 4. Advancement. Origin of New International Economic Order (NIEO): The concept of new international economic order was although initially projected by Raul Prebisch and some other economists in the 1950's and 1960 ...
A/RES/S-6/3201 - Declaration on the Establishment of a New ...
A/RES/S-6/3201 - Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order - an element of the body of UN Documents for earth stewardship and international decades for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world
新国际经济秩序 - MBA智库百科
2016年6月22日 · 新国际经济秩序是指在当今的世界经济环境中促使发展中国家的经济和社会进步,对反映旧国际经济秩序的现行国际经济结构进行调整和改变。二战之后,在1947年以美英为首召开的布雷顿森林会议上,签定了《国际货币基金协定》、《国际复兴开发银行协定》以及《关税与贸易总协定》,由此在 ...
NIEO 50th Anniversary in NYC - act.progressive.international
On its 50th anniversary, the NIEO thus merits revival, but also requires renovation. How might we adapt this vision to the conditions of the twenty-first century? How might we confront the crises of climate change, viral pandemics, and extreme poverty that threaten billions of lives and livelihoods across the planet?
NIEO(ニエオ)とは? 意味や使い方 - コトバンク
デジタル大辞泉 - NIEOの用語解説 - 《New International Economic Order》新国際経済秩序。 1974年、国連本会議で採択された決議に盛りこまれた、国際経済全般にわたる開発途上国の自立的な経済建設を志向する変革案。
NIEO 50th Anniversary - Habana
Discover more about the NIEO through the texts of Thomas Sankara, Salvador Allende, Xiomara Castro and many more.