Norna Analytics: Fashion Data Revolution
Norna empowers you to harness the power of your data, transforming trillions of data points into actionable insights for your fashion business. Gain a competitive edge by benchmarking against competitors, optimizing product assortment, developing effective pricing strategies, and crafting data-driven launch campaigns.
Natural Playground Equipment - Norna Playgrounds
Explore NORNA PLAYGROUNDS’ natural play equipment, made from robinia wood. Delivering high-quality and safe products. Producing standard products within 4 weeks
NORRØNA Premium Outdoor Products since 1929 - Norrøna®
Norrøna's mission is to create the greatest outdoor products. Crafted with quality, function, design, and sustainability. Welcome to nature.
About us - Norna's AI-Driven Revolution in Retail and Finance
Revolutionizing the way businesses operate with data, Norna offers the world’s most powerful analytics platform for the fashion retail and finance industry.
snRNA和snoRNA - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年2月26日 · 什么是snRNA? 小核 RNA 或 snRNA 是在真核细胞的细胞核中发现的一类小 RNA 分子。 snRNA 的平均长度约为 150 个核苷酸。 RNA 聚合酶 II 或 RNA 聚合酶 III 转录 snRNA。 snRNA的主要功能是在细胞核中加工前信使RN…
2024年8月30日 · Consisting of Swedish post-hardcore pioneer Tomas Liljedahl (Breach, The Old Wind) and Swiss stalwarts Christophe Macquat and Marc Theurillat (both of instrumental juggernaut Ølten), Norna came together as a perfect storm of abrasive influences, harnessed by friend and producer Magnus Lindberg (Cult of Luna), to create something new, limitless ...
Norna cosmetics brings you organic skin care products from the pure nature of northern Europe. Clay mask from Iceland, Facial serum from Finland, Eye Serum from Sweden, Purifying miscellar water / oil from Denmark, Facial Cream from Norway...
核仁小 RNA(snoRNAs)研究
2022年8月16日 · 英拜生物是国内最早开始承接各类高通量测序科研项目以及一站式的测序文章发表服务的公司之一。 公司特色是以高通量二代测序为基础,利用生物数据信息分析手段,通过英拜生物自有的分子、病理以及细胞实验平台,提供课题整体设计外包,以及撰写论文一站式服务。
Cell |何川/Tao Pan合作团队揭示snoRNA在蛋白质分泌中的非经典 …
2024年11月24日 · 小核仁RNA(snoRNA)长期以来被视为一种“分子工具”,其主要职责是指导核糖体RNA(rRNA)和小核RNA(snRNA)的化学修饰,尤其是在2'-O-甲基化(Nm)和假尿苷化(Ψ)过程中发挥关键作用。然而,随着RNA生物学的不断发展,研究者逐渐发现snoRNA的功能已超越其传统的化学修饰作用。
诺娜 [NARNA]|诺娜家具_诺娜官方网站
[norna]诺娜源于意大利设计,高端睡眠品牌。 专业从事于睡眠产品的研发及销售,产品覆盖床垫、软床、枕头、家纺等。 致力于为顾客量身定制专业化、个性化的奢华睡眠空间,从新定义您的睡眠理念,感受灵魂深处的沉静与放松。