[原创] Switch如何使用NSCB整合XCI 工具 - 3DM论坛
2016年8月17日 · 6、此时,在NSCB_098bx64文件夹的NSCB_output下,我们就得到了nsz解压后的nsp文件。 三、将xci文件和nsp补丁文件放到一个文件夹 四、现在开始,我们进行xci整合(多文件处理),输入2,回车
how to pack split NSPs in to one XCI with NSCB
2025年3月15日 · Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: Arceus cheat codes Xenoblade Chronicles 3 cheat codes Fire Emblem Engage cheat codes Request a cheat...
NSC_Builder. Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder.
2025年3月15日 · - 1. Added NSCB.exe - 2. Direct xci and xcz installation over mtp from local sources - 3. Direct nsp installation patching from local sources and standard crypto option - 4. Direct xci and multi xci creation directly on the SD over mtp from local sources - 5. Added folder-walker on all modes for local and remote Resources - 6.
[工具] [汉化] [NSCB]魔改工具与教程NSC_BUILDER v1.00c - nsboy
2020年8月10日 · 6. 为所有NSCB模式新增本地库的支持 7. 在NSCB批处理里新增了服务器和界面触发接口 8. Bug修复和其他小的调整 - 修复了自定义浏览器启动界面程序的问题 - 修复了server端的ssl密钥加载的问题 - 增加了FW 10.1 RSV字符串 - 为DB增加version.json 特点: 1.
NSC_Builder | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game …
2019年1月27日 · NSC_Builder is the merged Project that continues xci_builder and Nut_Batch_Cleaner. NSC_Builder is based both in the works of Blawar’s nut.py and Luca Fraga’s hacbuild and powered by “squirrel” a nut’s fork with added functions that removes the...
NSC_Builder. Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder.
2025年3月15日 · NSCB 0.98 including: - Some fixes - Small improvements to the interface - Initial Google Drive support for advanced downloads (download trimmed\decompressed), library search, file information and more stuff - Support allows to use several auth accounts or public links as source (Team Drives are supported).
NSC_Builder. Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder.
2025年3月15日 · Of course launch NSCB. 1) Input "1" to process files INDIVIDUALLY 2) Choose either Input "1" to add folder to list via selector to add a folder, or Input "2" to add file to list via selector for either a single file or multiple.
The Independent Video Game Community - GBAtemp.net
2025年3月15日 · 5. Download NSC_Builder, extract, and place it in MADEFOLDER but make sure it's its own folder EX: Macintosh HD Users Yourusername Desktop MADEFOLDER NSCB folder 6. In NSCB folder open ztools 7. Copy prod.keys into to ztools folder, and rename it to keys.txt (it will ask about changing file format. Hit yes.) 8.
NSC_Builder. Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder.
2025年3月15日 · Xci isn't the issue. Xci is just the format of a rip of a physical game. Nsp's are a rip of eshop games. xci was mainly used for mounting on sx os. so since sx os died at ofw 11.0, xci became "obsolete".
switch文件解压相关工具NSCB和SAK不能成功解压的一种可能的解 …
2023年4月9日 · 在使用NSCB和SAK时可能会出现解压后并没有解压完成的文件出现在对应文件夹(如我的就是SAK_64bit和NSCB_output文件夹等)里的情况。 实际上在解压的过程中软件可能完全就没有成功的运行(例如NSCB没有出现进度条就直接显示解压完成),