恩智浦半导体官方网站 | NXP 半导体
恩智浦全新IW610系列采用2.4/5 GHz双频Wi-Fi 6、低功耗蓝牙和802.15.4(Thread)三频配置,适合智能应用。 我们携手加速技术突破, 构建美好世界。 集成高压模拟功能和强大MCU内 …
Automotive, IoT & Industrial Solutions | NXP Semiconductors
Design and scale your software-defined vehicle architectures with the new S32K5 microcontroller family and NXP CoreRide platform. NXP’s new IW610 family combines 2.4/5 GHz dual-band …
NXP Semiconductors - Wikipedia
NXP Semiconductors N.V. is a Dutch semiconductor manufacturing and design company with headquarters in Eindhoven, Netherlands. [2] . It is the third largest European semiconductor company by market capitalization as of 2024. [3] .
Products - NXP Semiconductors
Through its comprehensive range of products, including microcontrollers, processors, sensors, analog ICs and connectivity modules, NXP is catalyzing innovation across multiple industries. NXP's contributions are particularly notable in the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking domains. I3C/I²C Digital Temp. Sensors.
Home - NXP Community
NXP Community forums provide a platform for engineers, enthusiasts, and developers to collaborate, learn, and discuss NXP products and solutions.
About NXP - NXP Semiconductors
We design purpose-built, rigorously tested technologies that enable devices to sense, think, connect and act intelligently to improve people's daily lives. Solutions to complex autonomy, connectivity and electrification challenges for today’s safe and secure vehicles.
NXP | Technology Showroom
Tour our immersive all-digital NXP Technology Showroom across automotive, industrial, mobile, communication and infrastructure, smart home and smart city from anywhere in the world — with just a click.
NXP - GitHub
We design purpose-built, rigorously tested technologies that enable devices to sense, think, connect and act intelligently to improve people's daily lives. Information on all the NXP github …
[NXOpen] Siemens NX 二次开发 (c#) 安装,配置,新建项目,调 …
2019年8月11日 · 软件版本坐标德国,目前使用的是由学校给学生免费提供的正版Siemens NX 12.0.2,编程软件的版本是Visual Studio 2019 Community2. 官方文档因为工作原因,最近接触了NX二次开发,还是小白一枚,经过一段时间的研究和试错,终于成功迈出了第一步:成功安装软件,配置环境,创建项目并调试,以下是NXOpen编程相关的一些官方文档,本人使用的是C#,使用..._nxopen (c#) 与vs2019开发环境配置.
Philips Semiconductors
By leveraging its extensive expertise in key areas such as automotive, industrial, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, NXP Semiconductors is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities and address the evolving needs of its customers.