SABnzbd - Downloads
Newshosting has the fastest downloads, longest retention and best search results. Newshosting and SABnzbd: the best Usenet experience! Special Newshosting deal exclusive for SABnzbd users: 70% Off plus 3 FREE MONTHS! Mature and stable.
nZEDb > Home
nZEDb is a fork of newznab plus, while it was still open source. It automatically scans usenet, similar to the way google search bots scan the internet. It does this by collecting usenet headers and temporarily storing them in an SQL database. It provides a web-based front-end providing search, browse and programmable (API) functionality.
SABnzbd - The free and easy binary newsreader
SABnzbd runs on Windows, macOS, Unix and NAS devices. You can access and manage SABnzbd from any device with a web browser, including iOS and Android phones and tablets. With the responsive Glitter interface, you can access SABnzbd and manage your downloads from any device: desktop, tablet or phone.
Best NZB indexing website of 2025 - TechRadar
6 天之前 · To determine the best NZB indexing websites, we created accounts with various providers and evaluated their Usenet search capabilities, accuracy, retention, and speed.
SABnzbd - The automated Usenet download tool - GitHub
SABnzbd is an Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python. It's totally free, easy to use, and works practically everywhere. SABnzbd makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating everything we can. All you have to do is add an .nzb.
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如何在 Ubuntu 和 Linux Mint 上安装 NZBGet Usenet 客户端
NZBGet 是一个免费的开源 Usenet 客户端,用于下载 Usenet 上的二进制内容(图像、音频、视频、电子书等)。 它是跨平台的,适用于 Linux、macOS、Windows、BSD 和 Android。 本教程将向您展示如何在 Ubuntu 和 Linux Mint 上安装 NZBGet。 超轻且快速(启动时消耗约 1.5MB RAM)。 响应式 Web 界面允许您从 Web 浏览器配置和控制它。 它还带有一个命令行界面。 支持多个 Usenet 服务器(提供商)。 快速重命名可帮助您恢复原始文件名。 Sonarr、Sickrage …
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SABnzbd review: A powerful, user-friendly, open-source NZB …
2025年2月26日 · SABnzbd is a free and open-source NZB downloader that simplifies downloading from Usenet with an intuitive, browser-based interface. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, ...