Traditional versus Project Insurance - IRMI
2019年10月11日 · OCIP versus CCIP—an Owner's Perspective. Many midsized and large contractors have established CCIP programs, and it is common for them to propose utilizing …
Best Practices for Participating in a Wrap-Up - IRMI
2021年3月19日 · Construction managers, general contractors, and subcontractors are routinely required to being insured under an owner-controlled insurance program (OCIP) or a contractor …
Contemplating a Controlled Insurance Program—Part Two - IRMI
2017年3月31日 · For example, if the owners are considering an OCIP, their internal team is minimal, and they are primarily concerned about liability coverage and limits, a GL only OCIP, …
"Excluded Parties" in Wrap-Up Insurance Programs - IRMI
2020年4月24日 · State Insurance Regulations. Many states have regulations that govern the use of wrap-up insurance programs. State statutory or insurance administrative code requirements …
Have You Thought about a Contractor Controlled Insurance …
2005年1月1日 · Under an OCIP, the owner is the sponsor and remains exposed to the deductible for the completed-operations extension period. This exposure makes it difficult for owners to …
Wrap-Ups and Their Inevitable Termination
2011年4月1日 · Upon such notice, Contractor and/or one or more of its subcontractors, as specified by Owner in such notice, shall obtain all (or a portion thereof as specified by Owner) …
Residential Wrap-Up Insurance Programs - IRMI
2022年4月21日 · The OCIP/CCIP may have a "per project" general aggregate and/or products-completed operations aggregate limit, but the limit may have a cap on the total limit (e.g., $15 …
The Hazards of Products and Completed Operations: …
2019年3月6日 · The OCIP usually includes extended completed operations, 6 providing only completed operations coverage for an additional period beyond the policy expiration date …
wrap-up exclusion endorsement - IRMI
A wrap-up exclusion endorsement is used to remove coverage from a contractor's insurance policies to the extent they overlap with the coverages provided for the contractor under a wrap …
Equitable Risk Sharing by Wrap-Up Insurance Program …
2023年9月29日 · In the case of an OCIP, the owner will impose the obligation on the CM/GC, who will then be responsible for collecting the obligation from any at-fault downstream …