OGAE - Wikipedia
The Organisation Générale des Amateurs de l'Eurovision (pronounced [ɔʁɡanizɑsjɔ̃ ʒeneʁal dez‿amatœʁ də løʁovizjɔ̃]; French for 'General Organisation of Eurovision Fans'), shortened to OGAE, is a non-governmental and non-profit international organisation, consisting of 42 Eurovision Song Contest fan clubs from across Europe and worldwide.
OGAE Eurovision Fan clubs
OGAE International is a network of 40 Eurovision Fan clubs around the world. All countries that have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest are eligible to have their own local OGAE-club. The last many years, a number of tickets have been reserved for OGAE members.
OGAE - Organisation Générale des Amateurs de l’Eurovision
The Organisation Générale des Amateurs de l’Eurovision (OGAE) is an international network of fan clubs dedicated to the Eurovision Song Contest. The network was founded in Finland in 1984 and is now by far the world’s biggest network of Eurovision fans.
2024 OGAE Poll - OGAE International
The famous OGAE Poll is back! Eurofans around the world vote to their favourites in the 2024 line-up in their own national OGAE club. During April, we'll show you here and on our facebook page which clubs give the legendary 12 points to which song - and of course, all the rest!
Αρχική - OGAE Greece
ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ: Ο Petar Brkljačić μιλά αποκλειστικά στον OGAE Greece για τη συμμετοχή του στο Dora 2025! ΚΡΟΑΤΙΑ: Η Martha May απαντά σε 10 ερωτήσεις του OGAE Greece, πριν το Dora 2025!
Ogae Spain – www.ogaespain.com
O.G.A.E. (Organisation Gènèrale des Amateurs de l’Eurovision) es el club internacional de fans del Festival de Eurovisión. Su finalidad es intercambiar información, y promover en cada país el interés por el Festival. © Todos los derechos reservados - Ogae Spain. Política de Privacidad.
Home - OGAE UK
For more than 30 years, OGAE UK has been the home for Eurovision fans across the UK. Join our thousands of members in celebrating the Eurovision Song Contest. Find out about OGAE UK and what we do
OGAE Portugal - Principal
Festival Eurovisão confirma edição de 2025 em Basel, com 37 países participantes. Apoiar o Festival da Canção e EuroFestival da Canção e eventos relacionados. Dinamizar iniciativas e eventos para os sócios com artistas e protagonistas dos Certames. Promover a associação junto do Grande Público, e de entidades públicas e privadas.
OGAE Italy – Il fan club ufficiale dell’Eurovision Song Contest
Il consueto meeting di Ogae Italy, si è tenuto a… Leggi tutto: Meeting OGAE 2024: Musica, Cultura e Fratellanza tra le Meraviglie di Padova
OGAE Slovenija
Dobrodošli na spletni strani Kluba ljubiteljev evrovizijske popevke OGAE Slovenija.