Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Wikipedia
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a single-engine light helicopter designed and produced by the American aerospace company Hughes Helicopters. Its formal name is derived from the Cayuse people, while its "Loach" nickname is derived from Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) program under which it was procured.
OH-6A 卡尤斯直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
OH-6 輕型直升機(英語: Cayuse )是美国原休斯直升机公司研制的轻型观察直升机,陆军编号为OH-6A。 其命名保持美軍以 美洲原住民 命名的傳統,源於 卡尤斯人 ( 英语 : Cayuse people ) 。
OH-6型直升机 - 百度百科
Despite Being Prone to Crashing, the Loach Helicopter Was …
2023年2月24日 · The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse was a revolutionary rotorcraft operated during the Vietnam War. Adopted after the company behind its design deceived the US Army, the “Loach” helicopter, as it was better known, fast became the primary chopper flown in Vietnam.
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse is a single-engine helicopter developed by Hughes Helicopter fitted with a four-bladed main rotor. It is used for personnel transport, escort and attack operations, and as a light observation helicopter.
Hughes 369 (OH-6/OH-6A) Cayuse - American Helicopter …
The Hughes Tool Company designed the Hughes Model 369, based on the Model 269, to meet these specifications. It received the revised military designation OH‑6 in July 1962. On February 27, 1963, the first OH‑6 (N9696F) made its maiden flight, and US Army trials began at Fort Rucker in Alabama the following November.
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Military Wiki
The Hughes OH-6 Cayuse (nicknamed "Loach", after the requirement acronym LOH—Light Observation Helicopter) is a single-engine light helicopter with a four-bladed main rotor used for personnel transport, escort and attack missions, and observation.
小鸟直升机 - 百度百科
美陆军编号为OH-6“小马”, AH-6 和MH-6,绰号“小鸟” [1]。 MD-500直升机可执行如训练、指挥和控制、侦察、轻型攻击、反潜、运兵和后勤支援等任务,空中救护型可载两名 空勤人员 、两副担架和两名医护人员。 作为 攻击直升机 时,它能携带的武器可多了,其中有美军标准的7.62毫米机枪、30毫米 机炮 、70毫米火箭发射巢、 “陶”式反坦克导弹 等武器,威 驾驶舱 对其进行第5级控制。 “小鸟” 无人机 具有“可选择无人驾驶”和“可选择有人驾驶”两种飞行模式。 其中,使其能够 …
越战早期的隐蔽天眼——美军OH-6 印第安种小马侦察直升机
2018年12月1日 · oh-6a带有四叶片主旋翼,具有杰出的操纵反应,在高速时的振动很小。 旋翼的直径也很小,这种特点在越南的树稍间飞行很适用。 旋翼的每个叶片都用15个挠性不锈钢带连接到对面的叶片上。
Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Warbirds Resource Group
The Hughes Helicopters OH-6 Cayuse (nicknamed Loach) is a single-engine light helicopter with a four-bladed main rotor used for personnel transport, escort and attack missions, and observation. Hughes also developed the Model 369 as a civilian helicopter, the Hughes Model 500, currently produced by MD Helicopters.