俄罗斯能源火箭公司 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰 …
俄罗斯能源火箭公司 (Energia,也叫RKK Energia、S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia),前身为OKB-1,主要生产航天器、运载火箭、火箭发射级和导弹。 它制造了世界上第一枚洲际弹道导弹和第一颗人造卫星 斯普特尼克1号,并开创了苏联空间站的开发和运营,包括 礼炮 系列和 和平号。 它的总部位于莫斯科郊区的科罗列夫(前加里宁格勒)。 公司是 国际空间站 (ISS)的主要承包商。 在空间站发展的最初阶段,它负责设计服务模块Zvezda、空间站的控 …
Energia (corporation) - Wikipedia
OKB-1 was among others responsible for the development of the crewed Soyuz spacecraft and its Soyuz rocket, the N1 "Moon Shot" rocket, large parts of the Salyut space station program, the uncrewed Progress resupply craft and designed the Energia rocket for …
OKB-1 150 - Wikipedia
The OKB-1 150 was a jet bomber designed and produced in the Soviet Union from 1948. At the end of World War II, many German engineers were 'seconded' by the Soviet government to continue their advanced research under direct supervision of the USSR.
Russian Aerospace Company & Launch Services - Britannica Money
In 1950 the department was upgraded to an experimental design bureau (OKB), and in 1956 it formally separated from NII-88 and became the independent OKB-1. Yuri Gagarin (left), the first human to travel into space, and Sergei Korolev, Soviet rocket scientist, 1961.
OKB-1 | Soviet design bureau | Britannica
Other articles where OKB-1 is discussed: Energia: …NII-88 and became the independent OKB-1.
High-speed Bomber «150» - AirPages
OKB-1 Creation of the "150" front bomber with sweptback wing became the last OKB-1 task. In contrast to the machines described above, it was not a development of WWII German aircraft but represented an absolutely new design using the latest achievements in science and technology of the second half of the 1940s.
苏联航天史(1)格鲁什科的野望 - 知乎
【南方设计局和它威名赫赫的导弹们(1)】扬格利与OKB-586的 …
R-2导弹在苏军部队 1953年6月,首枚R-1的改进型R-2导弹被制造了出来,更为强大的,由科罗廖夫的OKB-1设计的世界上首枚中程弹道导弹R-5也在准备测试中。
OKB销毁公示 (2024年12月01日-2025年2月28日) | 欧易
2025年3月14日 · OKX 将继续与全球支持者建立牢固的联系,同时听取反馈意见来为用户提供更好的服务。如果您有任何意见或建议,请随时与我们联系: 官方邮箱: [email protected] 欧易团队 2025年3月14日
OKB-1 S.P.Korolev - GlobalSecurity.org
On May 20, 1954, the Soviet Government issued a resolution instructing OKB-1 to develop an intercontinental and thermonuclear-capable missile. Special Design Bureau No. 456 headed by Valentin...