OSL: 交易所|OTC|RFQ|更安全的數字資產交易|香港
osl為香港首家證監會持牌數位資產平台,也是香港交易所主機板上市公司,股票代碼為863.hk。 享受高流動性的交易所、場外交易(OTC)和 RFQ 報價交易,以港幣或美元立即享受我們銀行類服務!
OSL: 交易所|OTC|RFQ|更安全的数字资产交易|香港
在osl放心的交易比特币(btc)、以太坊(eth)等币种。osl为香港首家证监会持牌数字资产平台,并且也是香港交易所主板上市公司,股票代碼為863.hk。享受高流动性的交易所、场外交易(otc)和 rfq 报价交易,以港币或美元立即畅享我们银行类服务!
OSL-Hong Kong’s most trusted Crypto Trading Platform | Buy and …
OSL is a secure crypto trading platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing cryptocurrency, is Hong Kong’s only publicly listed and licensed crypto trading platform.
OSL: 关于我们|香港证监会持牌数字资产平台
OSL: About Us | SFC-Licensed Digital Asset Platform
OSL is the first SFC-licensed and insured digital asset platform for blockchain and virtual assets, offering a comprehensive range of secure and compliant fintech services, including brokerage, custody, cryptocurrency exchange, and SaaS for institutions, professionals and retail investors.
Regulated and Trusted Digital Asset Brokerage - OSL
OSL Brokerage provides a fast, secure, and compliant digital asset trading platform for professional and retail investors. Our licensed and regulated platform offers fast price discovery, competitive pricing, personalized service, and a wide range of supported assets.
如何在OSL完成注册及入门:逐步指南 | OSL Support Centre
2024年12月17日 · 所有用户在 osl 数字证券有限公司开户时,均需要完成身份验证。为了让每位用户了解验证流程,我们准备了以下指南: 第1步:注册账户 填写电子邮件地址,点击接受条款细则, 进行验证并设置登录密码,以进入验证程序。 第2步:身份证件和人脸验证
OSL: 见解|专业解析|行业趋势
OSL集團 – OSL集團
osl 集团是全球第一间受保并获得证监会牌照的数字资产平台,为客户提供最高标准的合规性和安全性是集团的服务核心。平台提供用户友好的界面和无缝集成尖端技术。 在osl,我们深信金融的未来在于数字资产,我们致力协助客户在这个精彩刺激的新世界中航行。
Trading & Platform Features | OSL Support Centre
What Products Do OSL Offer For Retail Investors? OSL now allows retail investors to trade BTC and ETH against USD and HKD. Enjoy seamless deposits, withdrawals, and a secure digital asset trading experience.