OCRM - Organisation of Certified Risk Managers
OCRM (Organisation of Certified Risk Managers) is an established professional risk management body, offering industry-leading risk management courses and certified membership. Our core aim is to improve quality of risk management, for the benefit of businesses, organisations and their respective workforces.
OCRM与ACRM的区别 - 简书
2020年12月16日 · OCRM系统(Operational CRM),即操作型客户关系管理系统,是企业基于大型数据库而进行客户信息采集、分类、统计所生产研发的系统。 该系统以客户为中心,对客户信息进...
CRM、SCRM、OCRM、ACRM、CCRM等等分别是什么?有 ... - 知乎
ocrm是操作性的客户关系管理系统,强调日常运营中的客户关系管理。 它着重于信息的收集,提供客户数据、订单处理、售后支持等操作性功能。 ocrm可以做到:
Organisation of Certified Risk managers - OCRM
Every Risk Management Course offered by OCRM has been designed to improve capabilities, confidence and essential knowledge for enhanced risk management. The most important principles and working practices of risk management are communicated and explored, along with important insights and professional standards of relevance in every industry ...
Certified Risk Manager (CRM) - OCRM Global
In order to become a Certified Risk Manager (CRM) with OCRM, it is necessary to fulfil the requirements set out in our Certification Scheme. CRM membership is our professional-level membership package, demonstrating that you have a higher standard of both training and knowledge in key risk management subject areas.
OCRM系统是什么?主要功能有哪些? | 零代码企业数字化知识站
2024年12月9日 · OCRM系统(Online Customer Relationship Management)是指在线客户关系管理系统,它通过互联网技术帮助企业管理和优化客户关系。OCRM系统的主要功能包括:1、客户数据管理,2、销售自动化,3、客户服务支持,4、市场营销自动化,5、分析与报告。
高顿教育 - gaodun.com
OCRM系统是什么? - 八骏CRM
OCRM系统即(Operational CRM)是指操作型客户关系管理系统的意思,与之区别的还有ACRM即分析型客户关系管理。 OCRM系统对客户进行多维度整合,实现查询客户持有产品、客户信息、短信发送、客户标签管理、客户分层等多种功能,有助于为客户提供差异化服务。
Certificate in Risk Management - OCRM Global
The Certificate in Risk Management from OCRM provides an extremely flexible, accessible and convenient approach to quality distance learning; Course content has been engineered to introduce newcomers to the most important aspects of professional risk management, from a contemporary corporate perspective