OOF Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of OOF is —used to express discomfort, surprise, or dismay. How to use oof in a sentence.
"Oooff "是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
People usually say it when something funny but mean/sad happens. It's like a sarcastic "어머..." It is also sometimes used when you see someone who is unexpectedly VERY attractive. "Look at this actor, he's so hot." "How hot can he really be?" "Just look!" 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (4) People usually say it when something funny but mean/sad happens.
“Oof” — Meaning, Origin & Context - Linguaholic
2023年8月26日 · “Oof” is an exclamatory word used to express a range of emotions, most commonly shock or surprise. It can also function as an acronym for terms like “Out of Office” or refer to money, wolf, or arid soil. It is widely used in casual and online dialogue.
oof - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年10月23日 · " Oof, you just lost a lot of progress. That's a real frustration, a real punch in the gut." A sound made in pain, as when expelling air after being struck. The soldier on the ground clutched his head and then his stomach and gave an " oof " of pain.
What’s With “Oof,” “Meh,” And Other Popular Interjections?
2023年8月30日 · Oops is an interjection that expresses mild dismay, chagrin, or surprise. It is particularly associated with making a mistake, clumsy act, or social blunder. In pop culture, oops probably had its heyday in the early 2000s with the release …
What Does Oof Mean? | The Word Counter
2021年9月2日 · According to Linguaholic and Merriam-Webster, the word oof is an expression of discomfort, dismay or surprise. This is an onomatopoeia that is meant to sound like the way we express pain when we experience a loss of air from the stomach, such as being hit in …
"oof"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
oof@haruo4444 The sound-word for being punched| オノマトペです。日本語で「ウッ」が使われると思う。|it's a roblox phrase meaning someone kind of hurt you usually in roblox it is used as a sign of death but it could be used in our daily lives as a surprising sign|@haruo4444 Ah! It seems that you are correct. Anyway, oof! existed before Roblox 😁 Oof is an onomatopoeia ...
Roblox 和互联网上的“Oof”是什么意思? - 百家号
2022年3月7日 · “Oof”也被认为是一个象声词,它是一个声音当你“被风吹倒”或腹部突然被击中时,你会做。 然而,由于流行的在线游戏平台Roblox,oof 在 2010 年代后期重新焕发生机。 当玩家在游戏中死亡时,他们会发出听起来像“呜呜”的声音。 该音频被称为“ Roblox Death Sound ”。 这个声音片段变成了一个模因,每当人们在某件事上失败,撞到实物时,就会被插入到各种视频和汇编中。 最终,“oof”这个词成为了一个模因,变成了整整一代玩家的主要互联网词汇——即使 …
Ooof - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The slang term "Ooof" is a versatile and expressive word that can be used in a variety of situations. It is often used to express sympathy or empathy for someone who has experienced something unpleasant or painful, such as when someone falls down or gets hurt.