introduction of social ownership, its interaction with the economic system and policy has to be carefully studied. The precise legal and actual form of social ownership should be adapted to the surrounding circumstances. To substantiate this point, we will summarize the experience of three
Human Rights, Ownership, and the Individual | Oxford Academic
2019年9月19日 · This book offers a partial vindication of the concept of a right, defending its use in relation to human rights while questioning it in relation to property. It starts with a new ‘Addressive’ account of the nature of rights as bringing together duty-bearer and right-holder first-personally—a theory which moves beyond and complements ...
Rethinking Social Rights as Social Property: Alternatives to Private ...
2023年10月24日 · Although social rights have historically been institutionalised as a form of social protection for the propertyless and although welfare states structure property relations, Robert Castel is unique in rethinking social rights as citizens’ social property and framing the right coupled to wage labour status as property.
Ownership and convention - ScienceDirect
2023年8月1日 · Our studies assess the extent to which ownership is treated as nonconventional, using measures from the moral/conventional task. These measures of non-conventionality largely track how natural rights theorist think about property rights.
In this brief paper I shall outline a theory of property that emphasises the obligations that owners owe to others, specifically, to certain members of the various communities to which they belong. These obligations vary in different contexts and at different times.
2 From Thing-Ownership to Bundle of Rights to Social Relation
2025年1月23日 · It begins by exploring the emergence and rise of the Blackstonian conception of property as ‘sole and despotic dominion’, before moving on to look at the rise in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries of the alternative idea of property as a bundle of rights and/or social relation and at the even more radical claim that property ...
Ownership as a social status. - Semantic Scholar
2011年6月1日 · The authors suggest that ownership may be one of the critical entry points into thinking about social constructions, a kind of laboratory for understanding status. They discuss the features of ownership that make it an interesting case to study developmentally.
Towards a Justification of Social Ownership: A Comparison of the ...
Roemer introduces axioms to define social ownership and studies its ethical implications. Finally we will review theories of justice developed by Rawls and Pazner. We will then try to derive a justification for social ownership as a morally desirable institution.
Ownership and control of physical and financial assets are essential to an individual’s well-being. Assets generate and help diversify income; provide collateral to gain access to credit; alleviate liquidity constraints in the face of shocks; and provide status in society (Deere and Doss 2006).
Ownership as a social status - PubMed
The authors suggest that ownership may be one of the critical entry points into thinking about social constructions, a kind of laboratory for understanding status. They discuss the features of ownership that make it an interesting case to study developmentally.