Pioneer P-31 - Wikipedia
Pioneer P-31 (also known as Atlas-Able 5B or Pioneer Z) was intended to be a lunar orbiter probe, but the mission failed shortly after launch. The objectives were to place a highly …
Able 5B (Pioneer P-31) - Science@NASA
2024年11月2日 · What was Able 5B (Pioneer P-31)? LIke its two unsuccessful predecessors, this U.S. spacecraft was launched to orbit the Moon. Unfortunately, the Atlas Able booster …
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
5 天之前 · Pioneer P-31 (Atlas-Able 5B) was intended to be a lunar orbiter probe, but the mission failed shortly after launch. The objectives were to place a highly instrumented probe in lunar …
压力变送器 - P-30, P-31 - WIKA 威卡
P-30和P-31型压力变送器提供多种电气连接件、过程连接件和测量范围,以及多种不同的输出信号。 除了标准模拟量信号外,还支持其他多种信号输出,例如USB和CANopen ® 信号。 通 …
Pioneer P-1, P-3, P-30, P-31 - Gunter's Space Page
The Pioneer P-1, -3, -30 and -31 series was intended to be a lunar orbiter probe, but the mission failed shortly after launch. The objectives were to place a highly instrumented probe in lunar …
Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance - Wikipedia
Phosphorus-31 NMR spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique that uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study chemical compounds that contain phosphorus. …
电影笨贼妙探中马龙演讲是下边说的P-31,P40是什么东西?_百度 …
P-31式多用途枪榴弹是西班牙奥拉米尔塑料公司生产的以基本弹体和引信为基础的多用途枪榴弹,通过增减其他辅助部件可构成枪榴弹、进攻型手榴弹和防御型手榴弹,从而达到多用途的目 …
Phosphorus-31 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Nuclear magnetic properties of the NMR active Nuclide 31 P. The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 16) and isobaric (same nucleon …
国内最高の手作り靴を作りたいという一念で始まったプロジェクト 31段階に及ぶ工程過程、隠れている5.5cmのヒール、13種のテスト及び実験。 こうして完成されたブランド「P-31」で …
就這樣完成的品牌,p-31。 購買產品 以打造國內頂尖手工鞋的信念開始的項目31個階段的工程過程,隱藏的5.5釐米的鞋跟 13種測試及實驗。