[Release] PQR - Rotation Bot - OwnedCore
2012年5月7日 · PQR is a bot designed to perform complex DPS, healing and tanking rotations for the player. It was mainly designed to reduce the tediousness of performing a complex rotation for hours on end, which for many can be a huge relief and provide them with a better WoW experience where they may have wanted to quit in other cases.
[GUIDE] How to Setup and Use PQR - OwnedCore
2013年9月11日 · They go in the folder under profiles in PQR that has your class name. If the profile has a data file as well, which will end in .lua, that goes in the folder called data for PQR. Release client is something specific to Mentally's profiles and won't necessarily be there hence the "IF the folder contains a "Release Candidate, this is the one you ...
[PQR] MOP profiles - OwnedCore
2012年9月1日 · I have experience writing profiles for many classes now since the beginning of PQR. I am a heroic raider with pvp experience also and I have used these profiles to get many world ranks and pvp rating over the last year. I will be doing public releases for most classes and specs, I am willing to take on special projects as well.
[PQR] DarhangeR 3.3.5a Profiles (Release) - OwnedCore
2017年12月30日 · PQR DarhangeR 1.1.0 - Released DK Profiles; - Improved performence; PQR DarhangeR 1.2.0 - Released Warrior profiles; - Released Rogue profiles; PQR DarhangeR 1.4.0 - Released Warlock Profile; - Released Hunter Profile; - Fix errors; - Added autotarget script; - Fully reworked all profiles; PQR DarhangeR 1.5.0 (14/01/2019) - Made profiles for ...
PQR profile for 4.3.4 - OwnedCore
2013年5月6日 · could you send me a link, i cant see PQR Package (all classes, 150+ profiles) - World of Warcraft - Nulled because the thread is locked and i cant reply Similar Threads Requesting PQR profiles for patch 3.3.5a
[Guide] PQR + AutoHotKey = Bind any ability to any key!
2013年5月1日 · Now just go to the Rotation Editor via PQR Main Window, select the profile and put the ability you just created at the top of the ability list. Final Note Alright, so a few things to go over when you're using this PQR code with a profile that also uses mod keys for toggles/abilities.
PQR on Warmane - OwnedCore
2020年3月12日 · comming back after about a year break, cant seem to get PQR to recognize my icecrown ( 3.3.5 ) wow.exe process. would someone mind pointing me in the right direction? so far, i downloaded the 3.3.5 (old) client from warmane, found a couple different copies of pqr for 3.3.5 which have Offsets_12340.xml with them, i know its a 32 bit client as ...
[Release] PQR Undetected - rotation bot. - OwnedCore
2020年7月13日 · PQR is a bot designed to perform complex DPS, healing and tanking rotations for the player. It was mainly designed to reduce the tediousness of performing a complex rotation for hours on end, which for many can be a huge relief and provide them with a better WoW experience where they may have wanted to quit in other cases.
Warmane PQR Bans. - OwnedCore
2018年2月9日 · yes confirmed some my friend got banned too yesterday, PQR is now detectable on warmane, me to got suspended for 10 min first time then 7 days second time u attempt to use it so i stoped using PQR until i figure out whats going on, i try my other account on another ip i got detected to and got 10 min suspend. i used PQR for 2 years on warmane with no problems in BGS and Raids
[PQR] 2.1.5-2.2.0 versions - OwnedCore
2013年7月19日 · PQR_UnitFacing("target", "player") - Is the player behind the target? - Returns true only once, "on fresh target" - whenever i change target i can return the value to true only once. Fully working PQR_UnitFacing() would be superior to PQR_NotBehindTarget in interface/connection cases. 0.1-0.3 delay values