Cutting Clothes – Streetwatch: Notes of a Paramedic
2008年4月22日 · Clothes have no economic or sentimental value — a poor woman’s coat, a young girl’s designer jeans, an army veteran’s old unit jacket. I’ve seen veterans rip themselves out of being c-spined and take swings at the person trying to cut their army jacket.
A Randomized Comparison of Clothing Removal Techniques in a …
We recruited 18 paramedic students to participate in a cross-over study designed to remove clothing from a wholly dressed full-body training mannequin using trauma shears (with the cut-and-rip (CAR) technique) and two cutting hooks (S-Cut QE (ES Equipment AB, Nol, Sweden) and the Talon Rescue Emergency Clothing Knife (TRECK+, Talon Rescue ...
What's the most efficient way of cutting off clothes?
2021年12月10日 · However you do it, it's vital to attach monitoring first, including a full 12-lead so you can slash their clothes off with wanton enthusiasm and cut through all the chest leads while you're at it. Snip snip then rip. Much quicker. Leather …
Cutting Clothes in an Emergency (Tips, tricks, and ... - YouTube
2024年5月19日 · A brief video explaining how, when and why to cut a patient’s clothes in an emergency setting. My favorite trauma shearXShear (not sponsored): https://xshear...
Why we cut clothes off - EMTLIFE
2011年11月16日 · I will cut clothes off, life threatening of course. I know providers who just want to use their scissors when the patient could have just removed the clothing for them. If they can take it off without exacerbating the injury, that's how I do it.
Do paramedics cut clothes off? - yourquickinformation.com
Do paramedics cut clothes off? Paramedics have to be able to evaluate you for any traumatic injuries based on what caused your injuries. Paramedics do their best to respect their patients’ modesty, but at the end of the day, it comes second if medical treatment dictates the necessity of clothing removal.
Remove patient clothing in the field - EMS1
2009年4月7日 · Fortunately, most patients do not need to be cut out of their clothing, but might still require undressing for assessments or interventions, like ECG monitoring, 12-lead acquisition or...
Trauma Naked? - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2008年5月31日 · Paramedics cut off my shirt, and strapped me on a backboard. When I got to the E.R, I was conscious, with no visible injuries, just a bit of a headache. Yet, I was almost immediately stripped completely naked. I laid there fully nude for what seemed like an eternity while I was examined. Then the nurse put a cup over my member and told me to pee.
YSK that when you come into the emergency room as a trauma ... - Reddit
2019年10月21日 · Your clothes aren’t always cut off. If you’re “well enough” to do it yourself sometimes the staff will let you just do it yourself. If you’re getting undressed like this, a trauma alert/code has likely been called (basically summoning any nearby doctors to come and help).