Pi Villaraza - Innerdance
Pi Villaraza discoverd the gift of innerdance many years ago and has been sharing it with the world ever since. After a seven-year spiritual journey across Pi Villaraza chanced upon a …
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Pi Villaraza - Innerdance Europe
Pi Villaraza . descubrió el don de Innerdance hace muchos años y . desde entonces lo comparte con . el mundo. Tras un viaje espiritual de siete años, Pi encontró una poderosa vibración curativa que le cambió la vida mientras vivía …
Pi Villaraza (PHI) - Magnesia Festival 2024
17 years ago, Pi Villaraza experienced a spiritual awakening that has helped start the global Innerdance movement that has since contextualised energy journeys in the science and spirituality of mind-body consciousness. His work has been …
Innerdance - Home
Innerdance Europe. Pi Villaraza experienced after a long pilgrimage a total Reconnection to The Mother, Gaia. This led to the discovery of a powerful healing vibration. Innerdance, trust was …
Pi Villaraza , der Gründer von Innerdance ( Heute auch bekannt als unter anderem Kundalini Activation) , ist ein visionärer Lehrer und spiritueller Führer, der durch seine einzigartige …
- Pi Villaraza, founder of Inner Dance - My Vxw Site …
innerdance is an Ancient Trance Healing Technique Rediscovered by Pi Villaraza - Pi rediscovered this process while experiencing a prolonged shift of consciousness which happened spontaneously through fasting on a diet of …
What is innerdance? - Andra Dediu
A Philippino mystic by the name of Pi Villaraza, began this process through a Kundalini awakening when he was abiding on a coconut diet as a hermit on a secluded island for two years. …
Innerdance: A Transformative Journey to Self-Discovery and …
Innerdance is a transformative healing modality that combines energy healing, meditation, and shamanic practices. Developed by Pi Villaraza from the Philippines, Innerdance aims to help …
innerdanceuk.co.uk United Kingdom sound meditation trance …
Inner Dance is a transformative process developed by Pi Villaraza in the Phillipines. This powerful process is now spreading across the world. Inner dance uses sound, music and intuitive …
Resources - Innerdance Trust
Here you can also review the frameworks of energy school with a videos series by Pi Villaraza. Over the years, innerdance has continued to evolve and grow. The following collection of …