Phil Barker | Cetis, PJJK, LRMI, OER
As well as being a partner at Cetis LLP, I am founder and director of PJJK Limited, my own educational technology consultancy. I work on many projects developing vocabularies for linked data, several of which have contributed to schema.org.
#OER18 Open to all — Sharing and learning Phil Barker's work
2018年4月20日 · Raymond accused the Ada Initiative and other women in tech groups of attempting to entrap male open source leaders and accuse them of rape…”, and the bit about. Raymond is also known for claiming that “Gays experimented with unfettered promiscuity in the 1970s and got AIDS as a consequence…” and so on.
pjjk - Minecraft Modpacks - CurseForge
Custom NPCs & Lore: Encounter familiar characters and immerse yourself in the rich lore of Jujutsu Kaisen. Interact with NPCs to receive quests, trade items, and deepen your understanding of the jujutsu world. Crafting & Alchemy: Collect materials and craft unique items, talismans, and potions to aid you on your journey.
Harmonizing Learning Resource Metadata (even LOM)
2020年12月17日 · In this post I focus on metadata available as IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) but wanted in either schema.org or DCAT. Interoperability in spite of diverse standards being used seems an acute problem when dealing with metadata about learning resources.
千秋杯pjsk赛区规则、分组、日程、奖品 - 哔哩哔哩
2025年1月12日 · 1.1队内个人的总分为各曲目积分之和,单曲积分计算方式:Perfect=4分/个,Great=3分/个,Good=2分/个,Bad=1分/个,队伍总分为所有本队本场次参赛队员总分之和乘以队伍分数换算率(控分赛制、积分赛制等有特殊要求的赛制除外)。 1.2目前参赛选手可选用的提交成绩的方式如下:全程手元/屏元(若选手使用录屏,请保证该行为不过于影响比赛成绩,否则后果自负)、仅包含成绩结算页面+北京时间的视频(规范视频)、成绩结算页面截图、口述 …
PJJK Limited
PJJK Limited is the company used by Phil Barker for independent consultancy in technology and education.
Proximal Junctional Kyphosis - PubMed
Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) is a common complication following adult spinal deformity surgery. It is defined by two criteria: a proximal junctional sagittal Cobb angle (1) ≥ 10° and (2) at least 10° greater than the preoperative measurement.
State of the art: proximal junctional kyphosis—diagnosis, …
2021年1月15日 · Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) is a common complication that may occur following the surgical treatment of adult patients with spinal deformity. The proximal junctional sagittal angle is defined as the Cobb angle formed by the caudal endplate of the upper instrumented vertebra (UIV) and the cephalad endplate two vertebrae cranial to the UIV.
Proximal junctional kyphosis and failure—diagnosis, prevention, …
In general, PJK is a relatively asymptomatic radiographic diagnosis managed with patient reassurance and monitoring. On the other hand, PJF is characterized by mechanical instability, pain, and more severe kyphosis, with potential for neurologic compromise. Patients who develop PJF more often require revision surgery than those with PJK.
LRMI™ as a Starting Point for IEEE P2881 Standard for Learning Metadata
2020年10月20日 · IEEE are standing up a working group for Learning Metadata, to build on IEEE Std 1484.12.1 Standard for Learning Object Metadata while exploring new paradigms and technology practices in education. I submitted the following as a suggestion for a starting point.