Pohjois-Karjalan Yleisurheilu ry (Pokary ry) on Suomen Urheiluliiton piiriyhdistys, joka toimii Pohjois-Karjalan yleisurheiluseurojen toiminnan koordinoijana. Näiltä sivuilta löydät tietoa …
Pocari Sweat - Wikipedia
Pocari Sweat (Japanese: ポカリスエット, Pokari Suetto) is a Japanese sports drink, manufactured by Otsuka Pharmaceutical. It was launched in 1980, and is mostly well known …
Pocari Sweat: Electrolyte Replacement Hydration Drink
Our blend of minerals and electrolytes resembles the true makeup of the body to replenish what you lose when you sweat - with no artificial colours, artificial sweeteners or caffeine needed. …
Pocari Sweat 24-Pack Electrolyte Drink - Amazon.com
Trusted Worldwide: First launched in Japan in 1980, Pocari Sweat is now enjoyed in over 20 countries and is the Official Hydration Partner of the Tokyo Marathon. Ideal for Active …
JIGGERY-POKERY中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
JIGGERY-POKERY翻译:欺骗行为;骗局;捣鬼。 了解更多。
The Story of POCARI SWEAT | Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
POCARI SWEAT was created based on the concept of a rehydration drink to be consumed after sweating. It was developed through research on the body's water metabolism, and the best …
What Is Pocari Sweat? Here’s Your Pocari Primer | Sporked
2024年10月2日 · Speaking plainly, Pocari Sweat is the Japanese equivalent to Gatorade. First introduced in 1980, Pocari Sweat is now available in bottles, cans, powdered drink mix, and …
Pocari Sweat: Inside the meteoric rise of Asia’s answer to ... - CNN
Launched in 1980, Pocari Sweat was inspired by the rehydrating effects of an IV solution. The ingredients include water, sugar, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and sodium. Pocari …
JIGGERY-POKERY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
JIGGERY-POKERY definition: 1. secret or dishonest behaviour 2. secret or dishonest behavior. Learn more.
ポカリスエット、ポカリスエットイオンウォーターの公式サイトです。 製品情報や最新CM情報、ポカリの特長、水分補給に関する知識など、情報満載です。
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