Addgene: Vector Database - pUC9
Assembled from pUC19 and M13MP9 by F. Pfeiffer, MPI, Martinsried old Pharmacia vector. Expression vector with lacZ as an insertion detection marker. Medium is 1227 LB plus …
pUC9 ATCC37252质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序 …
pUC9载体价格3800元,pUC9载体质粒图谱 (Vector map),载体序列 (Sequence)见下文,载体质粒抗性为氨苄,质粒大小为2.7 kb。 pUC9载体是质粒。
pUC9 3.12 [p.Col.3.12] plasmid in E. coli - 45122 - ATCC
To download a certificate of analysis for pUC9 3.12 [p.Col.3.12] plasmid in E. coli (45122), enter the lot number exactly as it appears on your product label or packing slip.
pUC19 Sequence and Map - SnapGene
After cleavage, TsoI can remain bound to DNA and alter its electrophoretic mobility. For full activity, add fresh S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). Efficient cleavage requires at least two copies …
pUC9 - 37252 - ATCC
To download a certificate of origin for pUC9 (37252), enter the lot number exactly as it appears on your product label or packing slip.
Leibniz Institute | pUC9 | DSMZ
Expression vector; cloning vector with multiple restriction enzyme linker; derived from pBR322 and M13mp9-vector; pUC9 allows direct selection of cloned DNA because of α …
pCAMBIA1391Z Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Agrobacterium binary vector for plant transformation, with hygromycin- and kanamycin-resistance and LacZ-GUS genes plus the pUC9 MCS. Sequence Author: Cambia. Explore Over 2.7k …
Addgene: Vector Database - pUC9-2
To allow insertion of genes in any reading frame, the polylinker region was redesigned to contain the same restriction sites in all three reading frames: Trio '8' is pUC8, pUC8-1 and pUC8-2. …
pUC质粒载体 - 百度百科
PUC 质粒载体:PUC 载体是在PBR322 质粒 载体的基础上,插入一个在其5‘端带有一段多克隆位点的lacZ'基因,发展成有双功能检测特性的新型质粒载体系列。 它是由 美国加州大学 学者 …
PUC9-上海谷研实业有限公司 - gychemicals.com
PUC9,我司竭诚为广大科研用户提供Z全面,*质,价格*优势的产品,免费为您提供全程技术指导,解决您的后顾之忧。 服务承诺: 工作时间内提供免费的技术咨询和指导 。 我公司的销售工 …