S-Tronic 0B5 mechatronic failure - ECU Testing
This S-Tronic transmission unit fitted to high performance Audi’s, with the 0B5 DL501 Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG), is a very common failing mechatronic control unit.
【图】【科普】Q5 0B5/S Tronic 7速双离合变速器原理_奥迪Q5…
2013年5月9日 · 主要问题是低速时车辆抖动甚至熄火;低速、踩刹车时耸车;加速时变速箱“嗒嗒”异响;行驶过程中跳空挡;变速箱故障灯报警功能受限等。 出现变速箱故障的车辆车型不一,但梳理每条投诉信息后发现,Q5变速箱问题投诉基本集中在2010款车型中。 资料显示,2010款Q5车型变速箱为7速DSG双离合变速箱,而2011款之后,除其中一款车以外,一汽奥迪已将Q5其他车型全部由7速DSG变速箱换为了8速手自一体变速箱。 看来Q5变速箱问题的“元凶”已经显现,可 …
7-Speed S-Tronic Direct-Shift Gearbox (DSG/0B5) - Ross-Tech
Numerous Audi TPIs/TSBs exist for 0B5 transmission problems. Although a majority are flash update related some are hardware related ("printed circuits" internal wiring harness) instead.
Seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox 0B5/S tronic - Audizine
2006年12月3日 · This is the new 7 Speed S-Tronic Double clutch gearbox found in the A4 B8 and Q5 series. It is also found in the S5 Cabriolet/S4. The information presented here is for the high torque DL501 model. The gearbox code for this box in Audi is called "OB5". The general principals of operation and many other details are covered
Transmission repair manuals DSG-7 (DL501, 0B5) S-tronic
Transmission repair manuals DSG-7 (DL501, 0B5) S-tronic, diagrams, guides, tips and free download PDF instructions. Fluid capacity and type, valve body and solenoids charts.
Self Study Program 429 - Audi Q5 - Engines and Transmissions 7 …
This Self-Study Programme describes the design, function and new features of the engines and gearboxes used in the new Audi Q5. With the introduction of the Audi Q5, Audi is extending its model range to include a compact SUV that sets new standards in its class.
2015 奥迪Q5 0B5变速箱培训手册_精选文档 - 豆丁网
2023年9月22日 · *7档双离合器变速箱0B5江苏天奥2/39*√√行驶动力学性能行驶动力学性能√√效率效率××舒适性舒适性××牵引力中断牵引力 ...
Gearbox Audi DL501: specifications, gear ratios, oil
The 7-speed preselective robotic transmission Audi DL501 or 0B5 has been produced by the company since 2008 and is installed on all-wheel drive versions of such models as A4, A6, A7, Q5, as well as Porsche Macan. This robotic gearbox with a pair of wet clutches is designed for longitudinally mounted engines.
2020年8月29日 · 无论是奥迪Q5,还是A5、S5、S6以及保时捷卡宴所搭载的0B5变速箱,遇到以上变速箱故障现象,在专业变速箱维修机构都能得到良好解决,而且维修价格并不高。
奧迪Q5變速器0B5深度維修 - 每日頭條
一輛2009 款奧迪Q5 城市越野車,該車搭載2.0L 渦輪增壓發動機(2.0T),同時配備DL501 型7 擋濕式雙離合器變速器(奧迪型號0B5)。 行駛里程:93100km。 故障現象:據客戶描述儀表出現變速器故障提示的情況,如圖1 所示,表現出掛擋衝擊、換擋衝擊加打滑等現象。