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If you’ve been looking for solutions to help ensure that learners are engaging with high-quality courses and instructional materials (HQIM), QM has them. Through course improvement, …
Quality Matters
QM's Vision. Quality Matters is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. QM's Mission. Promote and improve the …
Quality Matters
Learn what QM is and how it can help you deliver on your online promise. This two-week, facilitated workshop is ideal for those new to QM or considering a QM membership. Explore …
Courses Currently QM-Certified - Quality Matters
Courses that carry the QM Certification mark have met QM Standards at a level of 85% or greater in an official review process. Certification is valid for three to five years depending on the QM …
Quality Matters
Gain a competitive edge by using QM to develop courses that meet QM Standards. This helps your clients offer exceptional learning experiences and puts them one step closer to achieving …
Quality Matters
A score of 85% (with Essential Standards being met) qualifies a course to receive a QM Certification for quality course design*. QM Members using this Rubric include: Individual …
Quality Matters
Read about QM's journey from a grassroots effort funded by a federal grant to make online learning better for students, educators and other stakeholders to a nationally-recognized non …
Quality Matters
At their base, QM Reviews serve to determine how your courses and programs stack up against our rigorous rubrics to measure quality. But more than that, they offer a basis for comparison …
How do I create a MyQM account? - Quality Matters
This will automatically log you into your new MyQM account. You may use your MyQM login credentials to access other QM systems such as the QM Classroom (Canvas). You can use …
Quality Matters
Whether you want to design quality courses, have QM conduct Official Reviews of your courses, empower your organization to create a culture of quality assurance, or conduct joint course …