Renault R35 - Wikipedia
The Renault R35, an abbreviation of Char léger Modèle 1935 R or R 35, was a French light infantry tank of the Second World War. Designed from 1933 onwards and produced from 1936, the type was intended as an infantry support light tank , equipping autonomous tank battalions, that would be allocated to individual infantry divisions to assist ...
雷諾R35戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1935年輕型坦克R型(法語: Char léger Modèle 1935 R ),通稱雷諾R35,是一款法國於第二次世界大戰中採用的坦克。 其設計目的是取代舊式的 FT-17 作為 法國陸軍 標準的步兵坦克。
雷诺R35战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1935年轻型坦克R型(法语: Char léger Modèle 1935 R ),通称雷诺R35,是一款法国于第二次世界大战中采用的坦克。 其设计目的是取代旧式的 FT-17 作为 法国陆军 标准的步兵坦克。
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Renault R35 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Renault R35, an abbreviation of Char léger Modèle 1935 R or R 35, was a French light infantry tank of the Second World War. Designed from 1933 and produced from 1936, the type was intended as a light infantry support tank, equipping autonomous tank battalions, that would be allocated to...
Renault R35 (1936)
Until 1935, the little vintage Renault FT was the staple of the French tank force. On the mainland, it had been upgraded as the rearmed FT31 but, throughout the colonies, it was left unchanged since 1918. It was clear by 1932 that the new tested Renault tanks, like the NC27, were not sufficient for the task demanded from them.
雷诺R-35轻型坦克 - 百度百科
雷诺R35,是法国 第二次世界大战 时轻型 步兵坦克,由法国雷诺汽车公司制造。 其设计初衷是由于1934年年底法国陆军要求研制并装备新型坦克以协同步兵作战。 1933年设计,1936年正式投产。 它有相对良好的装甲,但是速度缓慢。 由于使用短管的37毫米火炮,其反坦克能力也较差。 在战争爆发后,针对反坦克能力的不足,从1940年4月换装威力更大的长身管火炮,称为:雷诺R40。 这种新坦克在战争爆发后被安排到新的工厂生产,到1940年6月,约1685辆生产完 …
Nissan GT-R R35 For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
This Midnight Purple 2024 Nissan GT-R is a T-Spec that features Brembo carbon-ceramic brakes, gold 20" RAYS forged wheels, Mori Green semi-aniline leather and suede, and a powertrain that was factory rated at 565 horsepower and 467 pound-feet of torque. It also has a titanium exhaust system, Bilstein Damptronic shock absorbers, hexagonal LED fog…
Renault R35 (Char leger Modele 1935 R) - Military Factory
2019年2月8日 · The Renault R35 was a French light tank development of the pre-World War 2 period and followed general French tank design measures of the time. It proved a serviceable combat tank though not without limitations and was wholly undone by German tactics and French planning during the Battle of France.
2021年10月10日 · 雷诺R35坦克是一款轻型坦克,在上个世纪30年代初期,法国军方认为现在配备的雷诺FT-17坦克已经有点过时,无法满足步坦协同作战需求。 为此法国军方开始向社会招标新一代轻型坦克方案,在这个招标中有5家公司提交了原型设计。 其中就有雷诺公司,雷诺当时担心自己的方案会被竞争对手取代,所以很快地就进行样车的制造,并在1934年12月20日成为第一家提供样车的公司,样车项目名称叫做雷诺ZM轻型坦克,这款样车是在雷诺FT-17轻型坦克的改进型 …