RealFlight 7.5 | RealFlight Forums
2025年2月16日 · Aircraft, Color Schemes, Airports and Recordings for RealFlight 7.5
RealFlight version 7.50.011 is now public | RealFlight Forums
2014年10月30日 · RealFlight 7.5 is now a full public release! It is a free update for 7.0 users. Note that this update is cumulative. As long as you obtain it via the Launcher, you do not need to update to any earlier/in-between versions first. The LauncherHelper will …
New RF7 public beta (7.50.015) is available - RealFlight Forums
2015年4月23日 · 7.50.015 is now available as a free public beta download. Grab the new version and check out the F3A pattern-style Futaba Sky Leaf 55! We included a host of other fixes and improvements in this update. See the full release notes below for more info, and please let us know if you discover any...
New aircraft in RF7 - RealFlight Forums
2013年10月16日 · The RF7 aircraft list has been published. Click on the picture of a model to see a 360-degree preview. A close examination of that page will show that we added the following brand new models in RealFlight 7: Bede BD-5J Mitsubishi A6M Zero Flyzone AirCore ME-109 Flyzone AirCore P-51 Flyzone...
New RF7 public beta (7.50.013) is available - RealFlight Forums
2015年2月10日 · 7.50.013 is now available as a free public beta download. Enjoy multirotors but want something you can throw around like a heli? Try the Encore Invertix 400! Its motors reverse direction to allow inverted flight and all kinds of crazy maneuvers. Are …
RF7 vs RF7.5 - RealFlight Forums
2021年7月25日 · I found/stumbled over my RF7 version and am wondering if there is a significant improvement between it and 7.5? Click to expand... After you install RF 7.0 the upgrade to RF 7.5 is free and part of the update process in the RF Loader so there's no reason not to get RF 7.5.
2023年3月22日 · Pobierz i rozpakuj plik d3d9.dll, spójrz na wątek (link poniżej), a w poście #5 zobaczysz link do pobrania pliku, postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami w tym poście, zamień RF7 tam, gdzie jest napisane RF9. Ten d3d9.dll działa również dla RF8 w przypadku korzystania z procesorów Intel 12. lub 13. generacji z wideo IGPU.
RealFlight 7: No authorized controller device found
2014年2月14日 · Installation of RF7 went fine. The interface is also listed at the "Controller" section of Win7 (see attached screenshot). After plugging in my Spektrum DX8 it poweres automatically on (the same way is it does when using the Phoenix Sim and its interface, which is working fine btw.).
Real-flight 7.5 + All Expansion Packs | RealFlight Forums
2018年5月13日 · Thanks I was not aware that you couldn't install the expansion pack from 7.5 to 8 As when i went to the swap downloads page in Knife Edge Software and added some nice models from the 7 & 7.5 and worked, i automatically assumed that i had to add or install the expansion packs from 7 or 7.5. to add some of the others that i do not have in my library.
RF7.5 Adding new planes - RealFlight Forums
2022年9月8日 · If you want, try looking at an airplane file in RF9 that you might like, and download it, then try and import it into RF, just make sure it says "EA" at the end of the file, it should import into RF7, and then will appear on your list of "CUSTOM PLANES" if you see an "AV" (aircraft variant) or a "CS" (color scheme) file that you like, THEY WILL ...