Question about RA0-RA3 connected to DIPs - Forum for Electronics
2004年4月1日 · Re: RA0-RA3 I can imagine it could work like this: Program RA0 to RA2 as input, set RA3 as output H, read RA0 to RA2, if any of these reads H DIPSW on RA3 and X is closed. Repeat above 3 times setting only RA2, RA1, RA0 as output H and the remaining pins as input. If you did not get any H all DIPS are open
[SOLVED] RA0 and RA1 not working properly when used at a time
2010年10月23日 · As Brian mentioned, the issue could be excessive current sourced from RA0 and RA1, or excessive current sourced from PORTA and PORTC combined, which have a source limit of 25mA and 200mA respectfully. Can you post the datasheet of both the BLOW and BUZZER devices? BigDog
If RA0 is pressed,LED blinks endlessly,while if RA1 is pressed,then …
2013年8月6日 · I need some help with my code using PIC16F84A...Now,my expectation is when RA0 is pressed,then all LEDs start "running-blinking" endlessly,but when RA1 is pressed then LEDs will stop(LED OFF) making PortB LOW...But my problem is that,when RA0 is preesed,the LEDs start perfectly but upon pressing...
[PIC] 18F452 ADCON1 PORTAbits.RA0 & PORTAbits.RA1 as input …
2014年7月31日 · With RA0 add 1 and RA1 menus 1. According to the Datasheet in order to get all inputs on PORTA as Digital PCFG3 CFG0 011X and ADCON0 I understood it's not necessary. This is my easy code and I don't have any output, I don't know if I …
Setting ALL PORTS of PIC16F877A as digital ... - Forum for …
2012年5月22日 · Hi there, I have problems in configuring my MCU as Input and also Output in my simple project. My goal on my program is like example, when RA0 of PORTA is toggled, all PORTB will blink ON-OFF, if I toggle RB0 of PORTB, all PORTC will blink ON-OFF, and if I toggle RC0, all PORTD will blink...
PIC 16F877 assembly code - Forum for Electronics
2008年9月16日 · MOVLW B'11111111' ; RA3:RA0 MOVWF TRISA MOVLW B'00000000' ; PORTB = output MOVWF TRISB BANKSEL PORTA ; Select PORTA <bank0> Loop movlw 0x01 ;w =10001 xorwf PORTA,w btfsc status,z ;if Z-flag not set, skip return bsf PORTB,0 ;return if RA0 set movlw 0x02 xorwf PORTA,w btfsc status,z bsf …
[SOLVED] - 16F628A PORTA Problem - Forum for Electronics
2014年10月31日 · Welcome to EDAboard.com Welcome to our site! EDAboard.com is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals... and …
[SOLVED] HELP!! Still Learning, Changing RA0-RA3 to outputs.
2014年1月15日 · what with RA0, etc. I am trying to just blink an LED off/on with the ports A. Would like to use all of them eventually. Sure would like some help, so I can keep on learning, but I am sort of stuck now. I am also using the demo board for the 18F45K20.
Help Debugging PIC16F84A Code for Dual Tank System
2025年2月11日 · ;----- ; Main Program (START) ;----- START ; Switch to bank 1 to configure TRISA and TRISB bsf STATUS, 5 ; Select bank 1 ; Port A configuration: ; RA0 and RA1 will be outputs (e.g., RA0 for the pump) ; RA2 to RA4 will be inputs (not used in this example) movlw b'11100' ; Configuration: bits 4-2 as 1 (inputs) and bits 1-0 as 0 (outputs) movwf ...
[SOLVED] What is the function of ADCON1?(PIC-16f873)
2012年3月3日 · Welcome to EDAboard.com Welcome to our site! EDAboard.com is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals... and …