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Vibrio cholerae RbmB is an α-1,4-polysaccharide lyase with …
2024年12月2日 · Using a fluorescence-based biochemical assay, we show that RbmB specifically cleaves VPS in vitro under physiological conditions. Analysis of the cleavage process using mass spectrometry, solid-state NMR, and solution NMR indicates that RbmB cleaves VPS at a specific site (at the α-1,4 linkage between D-galactose and a modified L-gulose) into ...
Vibrio cholerae RbmB is an α-1,4-polysaccharide lyase with …
2024年12月2日 · Vibrio cholerae is a historically significant human pathogen that forms biofilms made of a polysaccharide called VPS and secreted accessory proteins. Within the V. cholerae biofilm gene cluster is a gene encoding a protein called RbmB, which is known to play a role in biofilm dispersal.
Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, RBMB, Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences, Medical and biomedical sciences, Medical journal, Scientific articles, Publication, Biannually periodicity, English language
Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (RBMB) is the official journal of the Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences and is dedicated to furthering international exchange of medical and biomedical science experience and opinion and a platform for worldwide dissemination.
Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - 科研通
The Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (RBMB) is the official journal of the Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences and is dedicated to furthering international exchange of medical and biomedical science experience and opinion and a platform for worldwide dissemination.
Ratiometric bimolecular beacons for the sensitive detection of …
To overcome these limitations, we have developed a new RNA imaging probe called ratiometric bimolecular beacon (RBMB), which combines functional elements of both conventional MBs and siRNA. Analogous to MBs, RBMBs elicit a fluorescent reporter signal upon hybridization to complementary RNA.
Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2022年4月1日 · 《Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology》(RBMB)是Varastegan医学科学研究所的官方期刊,旨在促进医学和生物医学科学经验与观点的国际交流,并为全球传播提供平台。 RBMB是一份医学期刊,特别强调生物化学研究和分子生物学研究。 期刊欢迎原创和综述文章、简短通讯、实验报告、临床案例报告以及包含生物化学和分子生物学各个方面新见解的案例报告,这些内容未在其他地方发表或正在考虑发表。 接受的出版物形式包括原创研究报告、简 …
用于灵敏检测单个活细胞中 RNA 的比率双分子信标,Nucleic Acids …
2010年5月27日 · rbmb 还设计为具有光学上不同的参考荧光团,无论探针确认如何,该荧光团都保持未淬灭。 这种参考染料不仅提供了一种追踪 RBMB 定位的方法,而且还允许对 RBMB 荧光的单细胞测量进行校正,以校正探针传递的变化。
Here, we report the structure of RbmB from Strepto-myces ribosidificus, which is a pyridoxal 50-phosphate dependent enzyme that catalyzes two of the required steps in 2-DOS formation by functioning on distinct substrates. For this analysis, the structure of the external aldimine form of RbmB with 2-DOS was determined to 2.1 A˚ resolution. In
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