Rural Counties | RCRC is a forty member county strong service ...
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RCRC member counties contain much of California’s forested lands, including more than 70 percent of the State’s national forest lands. Wildfire risk is no longer just a concern in remote, rural areas, but is becoming a wider public safety concern as the wildland urban interface spreads over larger areas of the State due to climate change and the lingering impacts of the recent five …
Humboldt County Photo Takes Top Spot SACRAMENTO, CA—The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) is pleased to announce the winner of RCRC’s 8th Annual Rural County Photo Contest. This year's first-place prize goes to Lisa Wilhelmi Perkins for her spectacular photo of Clam Beach at sunset, with yellow lupine in full bloom, in Humboldt …
On behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), we offer our support for Senate Bill 1260, authored by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, which would promote the use of prescribed burns for fuels treatment and wildfire prevention statewide. RCRC is an association of thirty-five rural California counties, and the RCRC Board of Directors is comprised of elected …
On behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), I am writing to express our support for your Senate Bill 821, which would authorize counties to automatically enroll residents into county-operated emergency notification systems, as well as allow residents to “opt-out” of receiving emergency alerts. RCRC is an association of thirty-five rural California counties, and …
On behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), I am writing to express our support for your Senate Bill 182, which establishes wildfire reduction standards and planning requirements for new housing developments in fire prone areas of the state. RCRC is an association of thirty-six rural California counties, and the RCRC Board of Directors is …
The wildfire risk reduction standards in SB 182 are expansive; however, RCRC believes you have balanced the additional planning burdens on local governments with a sensible implementation timeline. And, though we are supportive of SB 182, RCRC would like to see funding included to offset the increased costs of the new planning mandates. We appreciate the collaborative …
RCRC Installs 2020 Officers and Presents Rural Leadership Awards SACRAMENTO, CA – January 16, 2020 – The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) installed its 2020 Officers (image) and presented its Rural Leadership Awards at their annual reception in Sacramento yesterday. Merced County Supervisor Daron McDaniel was installed as Chair, …
Bill of the Week: Senate Bill 820 (Alvarado-Gil) – Cannabis ...
2024年2月2日 · Bill of the Week: Senate Bill 820 (Alvarado-Gil) – Cannabis: Enforcement: Seizure of Property Senate Bill 820, sponsored by RCRC and authored by Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil (D-Jackson), passed out of the Senate on Monday, January 29th on a vote of 36-0. RCRC is joined by the League of California Cities in support of this measure which would adapt the same …
On behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), I offer our support for your Senate Bill 347, which would establish a regulatory framework for unmanned aircraft operations in California. RCRC is an association of thirty-five rural California counties, and the RCRC Board of Directors is comprised of elected supervisors from those member counties.