The bronchial segmentation and its anatomical variations. A …
2021年5月1日 · The bronchial agenesis, defined as the absence of a segmental bronchus, was also described by Boyden (Boyden, 1949) who registered a right B7 agenesis in the 14%, a right B9 agenesis in the 8%, a left B7
Airway anatomy for the bronchoscopist: An anesthesia approach
2014年7月1日 · Bronchoscopy may be done orally or nasally 5; however, the decision to use a nasal approach depends on the associated comorbidities and any potential structural alterations the patient may have. It is critical to identify upper airway hemoptysis to …
An anatomical study of the right bronchial tree using multi
2019年2月6日 · The present study describes variations in the anatomy of the right bronchial tree, and reveals that there were mainly four types for right superior lobe bronchial tree, two types for right middle lobe bronchial tree, and four types for right inferior lobe bronchial tree.
Bronchoscopy 101: How it helps diagnose and treat lung conditions
2025年2月25日 · A bronchoscopy is a medical procedure in which doctors use a special scope to examine the inside of your lungs and airways. Here, pulmonologist Roberto Casal, M.D., discusses risks, recovery time, and the most important thing to know about this common procedure used to diagnose lung cancer.
Atypical bronchus in the right lower lobe: Computed …
2020年1月14日 · The aim of this study was to define the subsuperior bronchus (B*) and reestablish the bronchial anatomy of the right lower lobe (RLL) by assessment of atypical bronchi. Materials and Methods. Chest computed tomography (CT) scans of 500 consecutive patients were retrospectively evaluated. All CT scans were acquired with 64-slice scanners.
Asymptomatic endobronchial tuberculosis represented as a …
2021年9月24日 · Bronchoscopy findings showing a circular elevated endobronchial lesion with stenosis (A and B, black arrows) and ulceration (C and D, white arrows) in the orifice of the right B9 bronchus. The surrounding mucosa appears normal.
There were two types for right middle lobe bronchial tree, i.e. (229/238, B4, B5); trifurcation of right middle lobe bronchi (9/238). There were mainly four types for right inferior lobe bronchial tree, i.e., (135/238, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10); (42/238, B6, B7, B8, B10); (25/238, B6, B7, B8 + 9, B10); (21/238, B6, B7, B8-B9-B10).
IgG4-related lung disease with multifocal pulmonary …
2022年8月8日 · Based on such findings, we finally diagnosed him as IgG4-RLD. We administered 20 mg/d prednisolone. About 2 weeks after administration of prednisolone by intravenous injection, his multifocal pulmonary consolidations just below the pleura were markedly improved and his pulmonary symptoms disappeared.
Variations of right bronchial tree: a study with multi-detector CT
We revealed 15 cases of rare bronchial branching patterns of right inferior lobe. In nine cases, the basal trunk bronchus bifurcated into B7 + 8 and B9 + l0. In three cases, B8 branched from the basal trunk bronchus before B7. In two cases, basal trunk bronchus bifurcated into B7 + 8 …
Bronchoscopy - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月24日 · Rigid bronchoscopy can be particularly helpful in therapeutic cases. This activity describes the indications, contraindications of bronchoscopy and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in managing patients with airway disorders. Objectives: Describe the technique of flexible and rigid bronchoscopy.