Solved: Banned RR3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
@3a3a4ka so what this is.... if your using multiple devices with your single or dual rr3 login accounts. This is detected by RR3's database as a hack. For your only supposed to use cloud save data from one device at a time and they've given you an alternate method to share that account under their FAQ's.
Re: RR3 - Ford Puma Rally, Tier 13 Speed Record - EA Answers HQ
The RR3 Wiki shows a lot of cases, apparently it is impossible to make the topspeed due to the car's limitations. Gotta fix this, give away the car along with the remaining VP points or return us the GC spent to reach 3333333.
When will be my ban lifted? RR3 - EA Answers HQ
Yesterday, my cousin came to visit my place. He is also a RR3 player. So he logged into his Gmail Account though my phone. However, he logged in but couldn't load his saved game. Therefore, he logged out. On that day, in the afternoon I went for jogging and I left my phone at home. When I returned from jogging, I found that I have been banned.
RR3 I no longer get offer to watch advertisements for one gold …
In Real Racing 3 (android) I no longer get the offer to watch advertisements for one gold per advertisement upon startup or at all anymore. What happened? Is there a way to turn on through settings???
Solved: RR3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Solved: Ξέχασα να σας πω ένα αμάξι αυτό είναι το devil 16. Ελπίζω να τα βάλετε για να είναι το παιχνίδι πιο ωραίο.
RR3 Marina Bay Street, Singapore - lap time - Answer HQ - EA …
Marina Bay Street, Singapore - Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. I choose the Alpha Tauri AT01 with the main driver as Glasly. I made sure Gaslys driver performance was to the max. Even unlocked the car with a VIP package. But the required PR for the last few races was 130.6 but with the car and drive...
RR3 - Ghost Mode ? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
Livery on RR3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi there! I was doing some races on the game, and as a reward, they gave me a livery. Now, how do I put it on a car? And, if i took off the original livery from a car, how do I put it back? Thanks!
RR3 reset data - Answer HQ
Since a month my rr3 game data (not my progression) are reset automatically ! For example : yesterday I end the downloading process of the game data but today my game data are in 0%. My progression ingame is not affected by the reset, only the game data is affected. Can you help me ? …
RR3 crashes and will not load after update. - Answer HQ - EA …
I was up to about level 55 and now the game will not load. This happened back in February after a RR3 update and a Kindle update. All other apps work fine. When I try to launch RR3, I get the blue EA screen for several seconds, then it crashes. I know it …