天然橡胶2505 (RU0)期货行情,新闻,报价_新浪财经_新浪网
新浪财经-期货频道为您提供天然橡胶2505(ru0)期货行情,期货资料,,期货新闻,报价,机构报告,评论,现货价格,持仓分析等与天然橡胶2505(天然橡胶2505)期货 ...
Photocatalytic asymmetric C-C coupling for CO - Nature
2025年1月9日 · This study provides insights into dynamic Ruδ+-O/Ru0-O pair reconstruction and explores approaches to enhancing intermediate regulation and asymmetric *CO-*CHO coupling for producing C2+ products.
Ru0.1Mn0.9Ox Electrocatalyst for Durable Oxygen Evolution in …
2024年11月24日 · In this study, we propose a non-precious Ru0.1Mn0.9Ox as the active anode for direct acid seawater electrolysis, which exhibits a high OER selectivity and remarkable stability for more than 1200 hours.
Ru0 - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Liu "Ru0" Qian-Ruo (Hanzi: 刘千渃) is a League of Legends esports player, previously jungler for LGD Gaming Young Team.
Angewandte:Ru0.1Mn0.9Ox稳定酸性海水OER - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
我们在Ru0.1Mn0.9Ox中提出了Cl-辅助活性位点转移,其中Mn作为OER的活性位点,并提供抵抗Cl-吸附的能力,增强了OER的选择性和酸性海水中的稳定性。 通常,*Cl吸附在Ru位点上稳定了Mn(n-x)+-O-Ru(4+x)+结构,可以防止OER与Ru的结合与LOM的发生,从而避免金属位点的溶解。
Ultra-small Ru0-loaded carbon nanotubes for highly efficient ...
2024年10月28日 · Ru 0 formed by rapid Joule heating inhibited the oxidation of Ru. The design of highly efficient catalysts applied in a wide pH range for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is still very challengeable. Herein, a rapid Joule heating method has been applied to deposit Ru nanoparticles onto carbon nanotubes (Ru/CNTs).
Stable and oxidative charged Ru enhance the acidic oxygen …
2023年9月4日 · Here, we report stable and oxidative charged Ru in two-dimensional ruthenium-iridium oxide enhances the activity. The Ru 0.5 Ir 0.5 O 2 catalyst shows high activity in acid with a low...
【Carbon Neutrality论文荐读】华东理工王艳芹教授团队: …
2024年3月7日 · 通过苯甲醚原位吸附-反应 Raman 和 DRIFT 光谱的研究,发现 Ru0 和 Ruδ+之间的协同作用对脱甲氧基反应至关重要。其中,Ru0物种既是吸附解离H2分子的活性位点,也是吸附锚定底物中芳香环的重要位点;而 Ruδ+物种是吸附活化苯甲醚分子中C-O键的活性位点。
Ceria supported Ru0-Ruδ+ clusters as efficient catalyst for arenes ...
2021年2月1日 · To conquer the existing difficulties in selective hydrogenation, the Ru0 -Ru δ+ /CeO 2 catalyst with solid frustrated Lewis pairs was developed for aromatic amines hydrogenation with excellent activity and selectivity under relative milder conditions.
Enhancing Ru−Cl interaction via orbital hybridization effect in Ru0 ...
2024年3月15日 · Inspired by former studies, herein, we fabricated a ternary Ru 0.4 Sn 0.3 Ti 0.3 electrode for highly efficient CER. The Ru 0.4 Sn 0.3 Ti 0.3 electrode exhibits an excellent CER performance in 6.0 M NaCl solution, with a low potential of 1.17 V (vs. SCE) to reach a current density of 200 mA cm −2 and a high Cl 2 selectivity of over 90 %.
Lanthanide-regulating Ru-O covalency optimizes acidic oxygen
2024年6月11日 · Here, we first deduce that the introduction of lanthanide with gradually changing electronic configurations can continuously modulate the Ru-O covalency owing to the shielding effect of 5 s /5 p...
Nature Commun:动态重构Ru (δ+)-O/Ru (0)-O 位点促进光催 …
2025年1月9日 · 通过多种原位表征技术,发现促进光激发Ruδ⁺-O/Ru0-O位点动态重构,因此促进二氧化碳的活化、CO中间体的吸附以及C-C偶联。 RuxIn2-xO3/SiO2结构中的SiO2,进一步增强了太阳能的利用效率,提高了单个RuxIn2-xO3纳米晶在光催化CO2还原反应中的分散性,乙醇的最大产率达到31.6 μmol/g/h,选择性超过90%。 DFT理论计算模拟表明,反应主要通过一条不对称的CO-CHO偶联路径生成C2二聚体,该反应过程包括一个能量较低的CHO优先中间体过程。 这项 …
<br>光催化不对称 C-C 偶联在动态重构的 Ruδ+-O/Ru0 ... - X-MOL
光催化剂活性位点和结构的设计对于提高太阳能效率是必要的。在这项工作中,RuxIn2-xO3 中原子分散的 Ru-O 位点是通过 Ru 的内部晶格锚定构建的。这导致 Ruδ+-O/Ru0-O 位点在光激发下动态重建,从而促进 CO2 活化、*CO 中间体吸附和 C-C 偶联,如各种原位技术所示。
2024年11月25日 · 有鉴于此,阿德莱德大学乔世璋教授、郑尧教授等提出了非贵金属Ru0.1Mn0.9Ox阳极用于直接电解酸性海水,表现了高OER选择性和1200 h稳定性。 本文要点: (1) 和不含Cl-的体系相比,*Cl能够占据Ru位点,导致OER活性位点由Ru转移到Mn位点,从而能够避免消耗Ru位点的晶格氧,而且阻碍金属原子溶解。 (2) Mn位点作为CER不敏感的位点,而且Ru实现活化Mn位点,吸附大量*OH,形成有利于OER反应的局部环境,而且阻碍CER …
Locking the lattice oxygen in RuO - Nature
2024年3月20日 · Here, we report an interstitial silicon-doping strategy to stabilize the highly active Ru sites of RuO 2 while suppressing lattice oxygen oxidation. The representative Si-RuO 2 −0.1 catalyst...
Metalloradical Reactivity of RuI and Ru0 Stabilized by an …
2017年8月30日 · To explore the capability of 1 to stabilize low oxidation states of ruthenium, we attempted to determine the Ru II /Ru I and Ru I /Ru 0 reduction potentials of 2.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic and morphologic studies of …
2015年11月15日 · Ruthenium (Ru) NPs are particularly effective in methanation and Fischer-Tropsch syntheses [4], and also show both a high oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity and an elevated stability in aqueous fuel cell environments [5].
Tunable catalysis by reversible switching between Ru
2023年10月1日 · Ru 0 nanoclusters are reversibly formed from the Ru (III) sites via hydrolysis and reduction as shown by XAS, HRTEM, CO adsorption, and DFT calculations. The reported strategy offers reversible switching between oxidized and metallic states of Ru to perform different chemical transformations, achieving on-demand active sites. 1. Introduction.
Ultra-small Sn-RuO2 nanoparticles supported on N ... - ScienceDirect
2021年4月1日 · Integrating the merits of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and dopant atoms, the optimized catalyst Sn-RuO 2 @NPC displays a low overpotential of 178 mV at 10 mA cm −2 and excellent long-term stability after continuous testing of 150 h in the acidic media, which surpassed most Ru-based OER catalysts.
Low-oxidation-state Ru sites stabilized in carbon-doped RuO
2023年5月4日 · Here we present a type of material that involves a carbon-doped ruthenium oxide phase (labelled herein as RuO x C y) together with Ru metal (Ru 0) and activates CO 2 and H 2 at low temperatures,...