Sphingosine-1-phosphate - Wikipedia
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a signaling sphingolipid, also known as lysosphingolipid. It is also referred to as a bioactive lipid mediator. Sphingolipids at large form a class of lipids characterized by a particular aliphatic aminoalcohol, which is sphingosine.
鞘磷脂代谢以及神经酰胺和S1P的调控作用 - 知乎
S1P可以通过特定的转运蛋白(Spns2)或ABC转运蛋白分泌出去,通过自分泌或旁分泌起作用。 其受体属于 GPCR ,现已发现5种,编码基因依次为 S1PR1-S1PR5 。
Sphingosine 1-phosphate: Lipid signaling in pathology and therapy
2019年10月18日 · Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), a product of membrane sphingolipid metabolism, is secreted and acts through G protein–coupled S1P receptors (S1PRs) in vertebrates. S1PR isoforms mediate complex cellular actions either alone or in combination in most organ systems.
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P) and S1P Signaling Pathway
2022年6月29日 · Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and S1P receptors (S1PR) are bioactive lipid molecules that are ubiquitously expressed in the human body and play an important role in the immune system. S1P-S1PR signaling has been well characterized in immune trafficking and activation in both innate and adaptive immu …
脂质信号传导1-磷酸鞘氨醇 (S1P) ,CAS:26993-30-6
生物活性鞘脂代谢物 1-磷酸鞘氨醇 (Sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P) 现在被认为是许多生理和病理生理过程的关键调节剂,包括癌症、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病和骨质疏松症。S1P 在细胞中由两种鞘氨醇激酶同工酶 SphK1 和 SphK2 产生。
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) | S1PR Agonist | MCE
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is an agonist of S1P 1-5 receptors and a ligand of GPR3, GPR6 and GPR12. Sphingosine-1-phosphate is an intracellular second messenger and mobilizes Ca 2+ as an extracellular ligand for G protein-coupled receptors.
Sphingosine 1-phosphate and inflammation - PubMed
2019年8月23日 · This review highlights the importance of the S1P-S1P receptor signaling system in inflammatory processes. We also describe our recent findings regarding a specific S1P chaperone, apolipoprotein M, that anchors to high-density lipoprotein and contributes to shaping the endothelial-protective and anti-inflammatory properties of high-density ...
1-磷酸鞘氨醇(sphingosine-1-phosphate, S1P)是细胞膜鞘磷脂代谢过程产生的一类信号分子,在免疫系统中,与细胞膜表面的G蛋白偶联受体S1P受体(S1P receptors, S1PRs)结合,通过相关炎症信号通路,影响新生血管的形成。
ELISA专题 | 1-磷酸鞘氨醇(sphingosine-1-phosphate ,S1P)
2023年3月20日 · 1-磷酸鞘氨醇 (S1P)是一类重要的具有生物活性的信号分子,它们参与调节细胞的生长、 分化、衰老和死亡等许多重要信号转化,S1P作用于1-磷酸鞘氨醇受体 (S1PRs)后,能够在许多生理生化过程中起到重要的调节作用。 S1P是鞘磷脂在酶催化作用下的产物,主要产生于 内皮细胞 、血小板细胞、红细胞等细胞的细胞膜上。 同时,大多数细胞也具备分泌S1P的功能,如肥大细胞、 树突状细胞 、巨噬细胞等,但是其分泌量相对较少。 S1P在心血管、神经、免疫、呼吸等 …
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P) and S1P Signaling Pathway …
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and S1P receptors (S1PR) are bioactive lipid molecules that are ubiquitously expressed in the human body and play an important role in the immune system. S1P-S1PR signaling has been well characterized in immune trafficking and activation in both innate and adaptive immune systems.