.22 long rifle - Wikipedia
The .22LR is the choice for several shooting events: biathlon, bullseye, plus divisions of benchrest shooting, metallic silhouette and pin shooting, most high school, collegiate, Boy Scouts of America, Project Appleseed, 4H shooting events, and many others. It is also used in the precision Rifle and Pistol shooting events at the Olympic Games.
.22 LR - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
.22 LR (英語:.22 Long Rifle cartridge),全称.22口径长步枪弹,也称「5.6×15mmR」,是一歷史悠久的0.22英寸(5.6毫米)口径 凸緣式底火 子弹。 被使用於許多 步槍 、 手槍 、 左輪手槍 、甚至於 滑膛 霰彈槍。 超過一世紀以來,幾乎每家槍械製造廠最少都會製造一型使用.22 LR的槍械。 廉價,低 後座力 與噪音小使得.22 LR成為理想的休閒射擊用子彈。 標準包裝每小盒50發,使用者通常都購買大盒包裝,每大盒內有10小盒500發,或是購買整箱,每箱內有10大盒5000發。 …
.22 LR - 百度百科
.22 LR全名“.22 Long Rifle”,是一历史悠久的 底缘 底火式 (Rimfire)子弹。 如按照销售记录言,仍然是全世界最普遍的子弹。 被使用于许多步枪、手枪、 左轮手枪 、甚至是 滑膛 霰弹枪。 数十年来是全世界最受欢迎的子弹。 也是少数同时被广泛使用于步枪与手枪的子弹之一。 一世纪多以来,几乎每家枪械 制造厂 最少都会制造一型使用.22 LR的枪械。 廉价、低后座力与噪音小使得.22 LR成为理想的休闲射击用子弹。 标准包装每小盒50发,使用者通常都购买大盒包装,每大盒 …
.22 Rifles - Shop Now | Palmetto State Armory
.22 rifles are ideal for learning marksmanship, varmint hunting, and target shooting. Get yours direct from Palmetto State Armory Today and Save!
子弹科普:.22LR - 哔哩哔哩
.22口径长步枪弹(英语:.22 Long Rifle cartridge,简称.22 LR),也称 5.6×15mmR,在中国也称5.6毫米运动步枪弹,是一历史悠久的0.22寸(5.6毫米)口径凸缘式底火子弹。 如以销售记录来说,.22 LR到目前仍然是全世界最普遍的子弹。 被使用于许多步枪、手枪、转轮手枪、甚至于滑膛霰弹枪。 数十年来是全世界最受欢迎的子弹。 也是少数同时被广泛使用于步枪与手枪的子弹之一。 超过一世纪以来,几乎每家枪械制造厂最少都会制造一型使用.22 LR的枪械。 廉价,低后座 …
22 LR Guns for Sale | Explore Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore
Online shopping from a great selection of discounted 22 LR guns for sale for sale at Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore.
经久不衰的老小子,还火遍天下了——介绍.22系列边缘发火弹以 …
.22 Long Rifle,简称.22 LR,在国内被叫做5.6mm运动步枪弹,公制5.6x15mmR,这是一种有着悠久历史的缘发步枪弹,而这么小的子弹在今天却长期保持弹药销售总量全球第一和几乎任何一个国家都在使用的纪录,这无疑是个奇迹. 从左到右:7.62x51mm NATO、5.56x45mm NATO、.22 LR,.22 LR无论威力还是体积都是最小的,却拥有百余年的历史,可谓经久不衰. 说起.22 LR,它使用的是一种“边缘发火”的底火结构,这一点从它弹底的击针痕迹就可以看出来了,很容易发 …
{The 7} Best .22 LR Rifles in 2025 [March Tested] - TheGunZone
2 天之前 · Low cost, low recoil, and relatively inexpensive ammo make .22LR the perfect caliber for anyone new to shooting. With that being said, the .22 LR rifle should be a staple in every gun owner’s collection.
22 Long Rifle Semi Auto Rifles | Brownells
Ideal for small game hunting, target shooting, and training new shooters, the .22 LR is a staple for shooters of all levels. Browse our Huge Selection (15) of 22 Long Rifle Semi Auto Rifles , including iconic models like the Ruger 10/22 and tactical favorites such as the Smith & …
First Look: HK USA G36 .22 LR - Gun Digest
2 天之前 · Nathan Schueth, Director of Sales & Business Development at HK USA, said this about the new rifle: The G36 .22 has been a labor of love. The G36 .22 is the enthusiast’s rimfire: from its iconic silhouette, ambidextrous controls, and smooth recoil experience, we ensured that G36 .22 is no mere imitation – it is a fully-functional and fully-featured rifle …