EXPLANATION – Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted. AN ACT relating to public works; revising provisions relating to the use of apprentices on public works; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Senate Bill 82 (2025) - The Florida Senate
2024年12月5日 · Dental Therapy; Authorizing Medicaid to reimburse for dental services provided in a mobile dental unit that is owned by, operated by, or has a contractual agreement with a health access setting or another similar setting or program; requiring the Department of Health to allow any person who fails the dental therapy examination to retake the exam...
Senate Bill 82 Senate Bill 82 • From the 82 nd Legislative Session of the Nevada Legislature • Sponsored by Senator Richard “Skip” Daly • Signed into law by Governor Lombardo • Significantly amends the Apprenticeship Utilization Act (“AUA”) (NRS 338.01165) in 3 ways: • Compliance • Procedure • Penalties
2023年10月30日 · Senate Bill 82 Guidance Key provisions of the new law include: • Requiring more comprehensive, actionable information in consumer notices of cancellation, nonrenewal, and premium increase. • Requiring insurers to consider …
事实核查: SB82法案把抢劫重罪变成偷窃小罪? - 辟谣吧
2021年3月16日 · sb 82得到了整个加州法官的支持,其目的是澄清州法,使非暴力的盗窃案件不被指控为暴力重罪。 根据SB 82的规定,像昨天的野蛮袭击这样的盗窃行为,以及任何造成重大身体伤害的盗窃行为,仍然是暴力重罪。
SB82 2023 Regular Session - Oregon Legislative Information System
Establishes certain requirements for insurer that cancels or decides not to renew homeowner insurance policy, or that increases premium, for reason materially related to wildfire risk. Requires insurer to make public, and reflect in insurer's underwriting guidelines and rate plans, certain information related to wildfire risk mitigation actions.
Senate Bill 82 (2024) - The Florida Senate
2024年5月7日 · Florida Statutes; Amending provisions to conform to section 147 of chapter 2023-173, Laws of Florida, which directs the Division of Law Revision to prepare a reviser’s bill for the 2024 Regular Session of the Legislature to replace references to the terms “Department of Economic Opportunity” and “Secretary of Economic Opportunity,” wherever they...
2021年4月8日 · 参议员Nancy Skinner表示,SB-82是加州《刑法》修订委员会深思熟虑一年而产生的,该委员会包括法官和其他法律专家,SB-82的目的非常简单:肃清法律,以便那些非暴力盗窃案件不会被指控为暴力重罪。
CA SB82 | 2023-2024 | Regular Session - LegiScan
Action: 2023-10-11 - Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 773, Statutes of 2023. An act to amend Section 205.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to taxation.
SB82 - Creates provisions relating to water resources
2025年3月10日 · SS/SCS/SB 82 - The act creates provisions relating to water preservation in the state. Under the act, it shall be unlawful for any person to export water resources outside the state unless the person holds a water exportation permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources, subject to certain exemptions as described in the act.