What is the SDQ? - sdqinfo.org
What is the SDQ? The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief behavioural screening questionnaire about 2-17 year olds. It exists in several versions to meet the needs of researchers, clinicians and educationalists. Each version includes between one and three of the following components: A) 25 items on psychological attributes.
长处和困难问卷(SDQ) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
长处和困难问卷 (SDQ)是由美国心理学家 Goodman R 于1997年根据 《精神病诊断和统计手册-IV》 和 《精神与行为分类第10版》 诊断标准专门设计和编制的。 问卷分家长、老师和学生自评3个版本,分别由家长、老师和学生评定。 问卷在美国、荷兰、德国、英国等国家得到广泛应用。 请根据你过去6个月内的经验与事实,回答以下问题,请从题目右边的3个选项:“不符合”“有点符合”“完全符合”的空格中,勾选出你觉得合适的答案。 请不要遗漏任何一题,即使你对某些题目 …
There are six versions (parent-report and youth-self report) currently specified for NOCC reporting with an additional four versions (teacher-report) that may be of use at the clinical level (see appendices). The “1” versions are administered on admission and are rated on the basis of the proceeding 6 months.
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)针对青少年的行 …
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) 是一份针对2-17岁青少年的简短行为筛查问卷。 它有多个版本以满足研究人员、临床医生和教育工作者的需要。 每个版本都包含以下组件中的一到三个: A) 25 个关于心理属性的条目。 所有版本的 SDQ 都会询问大约 25 个属性,一些是正面的,另一些是负面的。 这 25 个项目分为 5 个等级: 同样的 25 个项目也包含在由 4-17 岁儿童的家长或老师完成的问卷中(Goodman,1997)。 为 2-4 岁儿童的父母或保育员略作修改的 …
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief emotional and behavioural screening questionnaire for children and young people. The tool can capture the perspective of children and young people, their parents and teachers.
长处和困难问卷家长版/父母版(Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire,SDQ)
2024年10月25日 · 长处和困难问卷(SDQ)是由美国心理学家Goodman R 于1997年根据《精神病诊断和统计手册-IV》和《精神与行为分类第10版》诊断标准专门设计和编制的。 问卷分家长、老师和学生自评3个版本,分别由家长、老师和学生评定。 问卷主要用于测试儿童行为问题和社会适应水平,在美国、荷兰、德国、英国等国家得到广泛应用。 问卷共有25命题项,每题都有三个程度符合选项,由低到高对应0—2分,其中第7、11、14、21、25为反向评分。 25项问题可分为 …
SDQscore.org is the original, continuously improved, website for transcribing and scoring SDQ paper questionnaires; SDQplus.org is the new site. All sites operate 24 hours a day, 365 days per year from secure servers within the European Union.
Scoring the SDQ - sdqinfo.org
Scoring the SDQ accurately and generating useful reports should be done by computer. Our own computer scoring website is at SDQscore.org; this site is operated by the original SDQ team. The fast SDQ scoring site for online scoring and report generation.
Information for researchers
The SDQ is part of the DAWBA family of mental health measures. Read about DAWBA here. from over 100 countries. All servers are located in the European Union. The courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which arises out of or in connection with Youthinmind Ltd services.
四、长处和困难问卷(SDQ) | 心书房
长处和困难问卷(strengths and difficulties questionnaire, SDQ)是由美国心理学家Goodman R. 于1997年根据精神病诊断和统计手册-IV(DSM-IV)和精神与行为分类第10 …
2025年3月5日 · The Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief questionnaire (3-5 minutes) about the mental health of children and young people aged 2-18, that can be administered by non-clinical staff and completed by parents/carers, teachers …
SDQ | Youthinmind
SDQplus is a web-based application to facilitate longitudinal mental health assessment of individual young people (and adults). The main features are: Introduction of a persistent individual identification (PlusIID) for the person who is the subject of multiple assessments.
SDQ | SDQとは?
SDQ(Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire:子どもの強さと困難さアンケート)は、子どもの情緒や行動についての25の質問項目を親または学校教師が回答する形式の短いアンケートです。 子どものメンタルヘルス全般をカバーするスクリーニング尺度として、ロバート・グッドマン博士によって英国で開発され 1) 、信頼性と妥当性の検証が積み重ねられ、今では世界各国で臨床評価、学校健診などのスクリーニング、そしてさまざまな研究の目的で広く用いられていま …
长处和困难问卷 (strengths and difficulties questionnaire,简称 SDQ)是Goodman于1997年编制的,用于评估儿童、青少年的行为和情绪问题 [1]。 分家长、老师和学生自评3个版本,分别由家长、老师和学生评定。 SDQ(父母版、老师版和学生自评版)包括情绪症状、品行问题、多动、同伴交往问题和亲社会行为5个因子,共25个条目。 采用0~2三级评分,即0分=不符合;1分=有点符合;2分=完全符合。 1. I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings. 2. I am …
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - Wikipedia
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a screening questionnaire for emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents ages 2 through 17 years old, developed by child psychiatrist Robert N. Goodman in the United Kingdom.
长处和困难问卷(学生版)(SDQ) - 橙星云
2022年6月13日 · 《长处和困难问卷(学生版)(Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, 简称SDQ)》是一种用于评估儿童和青少年(通常是4-17岁)心理健康状况的自评量表。 该量表由英国心理学家Robert Goodman于1997年开发,主要应用于评估儿童和青少年的心理和行为问题,以及他们的社会功能。 SDQ已被广泛应用于世界各地的研究和实践中,具有较好的信效度。 通过使用SDQ,专业人员可以了解儿童和青少年的心理问题和社会功能,为进一步的评估、诊断和干预 …
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-Child Report
The SDQ is a widely and internationally used brief behavioralscreening instrument assessing child positive and negative attributes across 5 scales: 1) Emotional Symptoms, 2) Conduct Problems, 3) Hyperactivity-Inattention, 4) Peer Problems, 5) Prosocial Behavior. The measure also yields a Total Difficulties score.
German - sdqinfo.org
2020年1月26日 · Scoring instructions for SDQs for 4-17 year olds completed by parents or teachers. See 'Scoring the SDQ' page for the latest information in English, including scoring SDQs aimed at other age groups. Scoring instructions for self-report SDQs for 11-17 year olds. See 'Scoring the SDQ' page for the latest information in English.
CEBC » Assessment Tool › Strengths And Difficulties Questionnaire
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a mental health screening tool for use with children and adolescents. The SDQ is a brief behavioural screening questionnaire about 2-17 year olds. It exists in several versions to meet the needs of …
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as a Valuable …
We found that SDQ: (i) can identify the core symptoms in children with ASD, ADHD, MD, and AD via specific subscales; (ii) can capture the associated emotional and behavioural symptoms in children with LD, GDD, ID, SLD, and ED; and (iii) can detect changes in the symptomatology, especially for GDD, LD, ASD, ADHD, and AD.