Overseas Trade Testing and Upgrading for Foreign Workers
The Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge) or SEC(K) trade test evaluates the foreign workers’ trade knowledge and craft-skills competency. Foreign workers who are interested to work as construction work pass holders (WPHs) in Singapore are required to pass this SEC(K) trade test, which comprises of two components:
How To Apply SEC(K) - Santarli-ATTC
Send workers for Construction Safety Orientation Course (CSOC) test followed by the SEC(K) test. Only workers with CSOC pass are allowed to attend the SEC(K) test.
SEC (K) COURSES | Fondal Global Engineering
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How To Apply for SEC(K) Courses in Singapore?
SEC (K), which stands for Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge), is a skills certification framework conducted by the Building and Construction Authority to assess a worker’s competency and skill in a particular construction trade. Workers can apply for SEC (K) at the BCA Academy or at the BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs).
2022 SEC(K) Courses For The Construction Sector
SEC (K), which stands for Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge), is a skills certification framework conducted by the Building and Construction Authority to assess a worker’s competency and skill in a particular construction trade. Workers can apply for SEC (K) at the BCA Academy or at the BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs).
Skills Evaluation Certificate SEC (K) - Positive
skill evaluation certificate (knowledge) – sec(k) AN ALTERNATIVE UPGRDING PATHWAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION WORKFORCE BCA has introduced the Multi-skilling scheme to provide an alternative pathway for the industry to upgrade their experienced workers.
Difference Between SEC(K), Multi-Skilling and CoreTrade
SEC (K), which stands for Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge), is a skills certification framework conducted by the Building and Construction Authority to assess a worker’s competency and skill in a particular construction trade. Workers can apply for SEC (K) at the BCA Academy or at the BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs).
Online Registration - SEC(K) - Santarli-ATTC
^ No WTU funding for SEC(K), CET registration and foreigner workers. ALL course and test fees are inclusive of GST. ^ Up to 90% of WTU funding for Singaporeans/SPR who achieve at least 75% attendance and sat for the test.
Skill Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge) – SEC (K) - P-One
The SEC (K) level is used to certify the skills standard of construction tradesmen in construction industry. Candidates who pass both written and practical modules of the test will be awarded the SEC (K) certificate.
到新加坡工作,这些事你必须提前知道 | 狮城新闻 | 新加坡新闻
而SEC或SEC(K)是由新加坡建设局所发出的技能考核证书,全称Skills Evaluation Certificate。 比如来自中国的雇员,且具有R1(高技能)等级,最长雇佣期为26年,而来自马来西亚的所有雇员是没有最长雇佣期这一说法的, 但所有持WP的雇员最多都只能在新加坡工作到60 ...
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