SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an expert agency under the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. SMHI has a global outlook and a vital mission to forecast changes in weather, water and climate.
Weather — SMHI
SMHI is a Swedish expert authority with a global perspective and a vital task in predicting changes in weather, water and climate. With a scientific basis and through knowledge, research and services, we contribute to increasing the sustainability of society as a whole.
Väderprognos — SMHI
SMHI producerar väderfilmer måndagar, onsdagar och fredagar. Eller vid särskilda väder- eller varningssituationer.
Väder — SMHI
SMHI producerar väderfilmer måndagar, onsdagar och fredagar. Eller vid särskilda väder- eller varningssituationer.
Wind forecasts — SMHI
2025年3月3日 · SMHI carries out wind forecasts at required levels and at a specific point in time for airports and air traffic services.
SMHI väder kommande 3 dygnen - Swedish Meteorological and …
idag den 12:a mars ganska säker lätt snöfall väder med högsta temperatur på 1 grader Celsius och lägsta temperatur på -1 grader Celsius 4 millimeter regn nordostlig vind med en medelhastighet på 4 meter per sekund och byvindar på upp till 8 meter per sekund Solen går upp klockan 06.13 och går ner igen klockan 17.43
Projects and programmes — SMHI
SMHI SE-601 76 Norrköping E-mail: [email protected] Customers Services At Customer Services you can order; data, statistics, forecasts, publications, official reports etc.
Services — SMHI
SMHI plays a central role in studying and monitoring climate change in Sweden. SMHI collects data, conducts advanced research and develops services to provide a deeper understanding of how and why the climate is changing.
L’impact des aléas climatiques extrêmes sur les ouvrages ... - SMHI
Ce projet a été réalisé par l’auteur dans le cadre du Programme International de Formation (ITP) sur l’Atténuation et l’Adaptation au Changement Climatique 2015-2022 organisé par SMHI et financé par SIDA.
Contact us — SMHI
2024年9月16日 · Do you want to know more about international development cooperation at SMHI? Contact SMHI costumer service: [email protected]