Run Oracle SQL script and exit from sqlplus.exe via command …
2017年4月17日 · I would like to run an Oracle script through SQL Plus via a Windows command prompt. The script does not contain an "exit" command, but I would still like SQL Plus to exit, returning control to the command prompt on completion of the script. My goal is to do this without modifying the script. Is this possible?
sqlplus CONNECT command with an '@' symbol in the password
I'm trying to connect to an Oracle XE database using sqlplus.exe with the following command: CONNECT SYSTEM/password@ Yes that's right, the '@' symbol is the last letter of the password, and needs escaping. :(Many thanks. See also Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a ‘&’)
PL/SQL Plus script just gives me numbers - Server Fault
2010年10月12日 · When you create a PL/SQL block via SQLPlus, the '/' tells SQLPlus to run everything you've put into the buffer since the last command executed. The incrementing numbers you're getting is SQL*Plus giving you the next line number in your script - …
SQL Developer cannot connect but SQL*plus can - Server Fault
2018年1月15日 · First in SQL Plus, reset the SYS password by: ALTER USER SYS IDENTIFIED BY oracle ACCOUNT UNLOCK; In the SQL Developer In the connection box, enter user name as "SYS as SYSDBA" and the password "oracle" from step 1. This works.
Executing Oracle SQLPlus in a Powershell Invoke-Command …
We have a basic powershell script that attempts to execute SQLPlus.exe on a remote machine. The remote does not have Oracle Instant client installed, but we have bundled all the necesary dlls in a ...
SQL, pl/sql, sqlplus: how to return a variable to DOS batch file?
I have a DOS batch file which invokes sqlplus, which executes some basic SQL contained in another .sql file, and I want the last part of it to return a value back to the dos batch file. However, while there are many examples via Google on how to do this using a Unix shell, the closest I get for DOS batch files is something like this:
Escape all characters that shell or sqlplus need escaped in any ...
2019年2月13日 · So when calling the sqlplus command, try using single-quoted strings. Bash won't evaluate the content of single-quoted strings. Bash won't evaluate the content of single-quoted strings. Another option would be to escape the …
Powershell execute Queries using SQLPLUS - Server Fault
2015年2月17日 · I have a RHEL server with Oracle 10G installed. I need to write a powershell script to query my database and get the output. I have imported Posh-SSH module and am able to connect to my RHEL server and execute commands using Invoke-SSHCommand however, i need help in executing sqlplus command using my Invoke-SSHCommand. Normally, we can …
Oracle BLOB export via SqlPlus - Server Fault
2009年7月10日 · Unfortunately, BLOBs cannot be copied using the SQL*Plus COPY command (as they haven't done any work on that since Oracle8). Can you create a database link in either of the databases, and copy it over that ? Failing that, and this may be getting desperate, Tim at Oracle-Base has a PL/SQL based FTP client at www.oracle-base.com.
oracle - Starting SQLPlus in linux - Server Fault
2010年3月2日 · Run Oracle SQL script and exit from sqlplus.exe via command prompt. 0.