Correct way to generate an SDLK_LEFT SDL_Event?
2015年9月20日 · I got it working now with the following code: keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); keys[SDLK_LEFT] = TRUE; After reading the keys I set them back to FALSE
SDL2 equivalent of SDLK_FIRST and SDLK_LAST? - Stack Overflow
2020年4月19日 · This could be helpful to you, particularly under the "Input" section.
sdl - SDLK_F1 key case not working - Stack Overflow
2012年10月18日 · I am trying to catch the event for F1 key in SDL in C++. But,somehow i cannot see any changes after pressing the F1 key.But,when i wnat to toggle my animation objects on …
events - Inputs in SDL (on key pressed) - Stack Overflow
2014年1月5日 · You should have 2 tables of booleans for keys. One table, in which you set keys true or false based on the SDL keydown/keyup events, and another one, that you initialize with …
Difference between SDL_Scancode and SDL_Keycode - Stack …
2019年7月6日 · I am in a learning process of SDL library by version 2.0. When I checked out SDL_Event handling , I got two different representations for keyboard event. SDL_Scancode …
c++ - SDLK Perplexity - Stack Overflow
2012年3月23日 · How does SDLK_'anykey' work? In my game, a bullet has to be shot when the Ctrl button is pressed, but through breakpoints and test print statements I have realised that …
c - keypress using in SDL2 correctly? - Stack Overflow
2014年11月6日 · Since the SDLK_... macros aren't intended for this purpose, they are different values. Probably the reason you are getting a segmentation fault is that these are defined to …
How to change direction smoothly using SDL2 and how to keep …
It's my Code, it's a very simple tank games, I have 2 problems: use WSAD to move with speed 4, when I pressing and holding shift, the speed change to 8, when I release shift, speed back to …
C SDL Keyboard Events SDL_KEYUP Triggering When Key Is Down
2013年1月3日 · I am using SDL in C, and I'm trying to make a character move on the screen when a key is pressed, and stop when it is released, but it seems as if the KEYUP event is …
What is the difference between an SDL physical key code and an …
2015年8月11日 · The same key on a Dvorak keyboard, will report a scancode of SDL_SCANCODE_S and a keycode of SDLK_O. In the above quote, by layout the manual …