Home - SMLA
An SMLA education will tell future employers exactly what skills and knowledge you have acquired, convincing them of the value you can bring to their company and giving you the edge for re-entry into the workforce.
About Us - SMLA
SMLA provides service to professional adults who are seeking vocational/career training in some of today’s high demand career fields. These individuals are seeking to qualify for advanced jobs which require specific knowledge and expertise that can be gained through our programs.
A Decade Dedicated to Heroes: The Remarkable Journey of St
2024年1月8日 · In partnership with SAP, St. Michael's Learning Academy (SMLA) has established a formidable Veterans to Work program, a beacon of hope and opportunity for military veterans transitioning to civilian careers.
Request Info - SMLA
[email protected]. DETROIT, MI. 4400 E 8 Mile Rd B4 Detroit, MI 48234 713-977-0566 ext 102 [email protected]. EL PASO, TX. 612 Doniphan Rd Fort Bliss, TX 79906 713-977-0566 ext 102 [email protected]. KILEEN, TX. 72nd St Building 3201 Fort Hood, TX 76544 713-977-0566 ext 102 [email protected].
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Michael’s Learning Academy (SMLA) is dedicated to providing comprehensive vocational programs that meet the students’ academic goals as well as the job skills needed for employment in today’s competitive job market.
Michael’s Learning Academy (SMLA) is dedicated to providing comprehensive vocational programs that meet the students’ academic goals as well as the job skills needed for employment in today’s competitive job market.
Certified Logistics Technician Associate Certification - SMLA
Find Out More About Why You Should Learn With SMLA Our mission is to ensure all our students go on to have thriving careers with the knowledge we provide. As such, we offer a series of no-cost supplementary services designed to provide a …
Individuals - SMLA
An SMLA education will tell future employers exactly what skills and knowledge you have acquired, convincing them of the value you can bring to their company and giving you the edge for re-entry into the workforce.
Lean Six Sigma Certifications - SMLA
Prepare for certification with real business case scenarios. SMLA graduates stand out from the crowd. Comprehensive: Modules study guides; Numerous Quizzes; Over 1,2000 exam prep questions; Challenging practice examples. Step by step overview of DMAIC and LEAN processes. Cross discipline curriculum, lab, supply chain, manufacturing, agriculture ...